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Summarized Content

14.12.2018AD2460 is once again ready with a new cycle named Fair Trade. New features, some fixes, a lot of convenience-improvements and a new combat-renderer are just some of the thing to look forward to. 14.09.2018AD2460 is ready with its ninth cycle, named The Art Of War. Starting this Saturday, players can look forward to a whole lot of improvements, upgrades and changes.. Click to read more >> This Space MMO keep getting better! There are a ton of improvements for this cycle, and we would like to mention a few of them here. Become more powerful by researching new technologies, developing new ship types and securing necessary resources from your mining outposts Fight other players for control of the best resource planets the galaxy has to offer. InTech - Strong ships with a lot of missiles. StronTech - High damage energy weapons. Alliances offer great cooperative play, inter-player trading, and an enjoyable social experience. Alliances can also fight over territories within the galaxy for increased power. Get the most out of battles by combining tactics and units for the ultimate strategy experience. The Space MMO is easy to play, even if you only have a few minutes now and then. Enjoy story-lines from your homeworld through single-player missions. AD2460 is being RESET. Estimated time left : An addictive browser game with multi-faceted PvP game play were individual efforts become part of the team's efforts. Nice graphics, music and special effects. One of the few games where the dev listens One of the most addictive browser games i've played by far! Watch your fleets conquer the universe with tactics, strategy and explosions! The pas*word will be sent to this address. E-mail (repeat) By signing up you accept the rules within the game. You also accept our privacy policy Please note: This game resets every 3 months with new fresh gameplay and improvements every time. When a reset happens, everyone starts from scratch with an even playing field and a fair chance at winning titles!

Ad2460 Main Page Content

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Title: AD2460 - Online Strategy MMO in your Could be improved
Description: Not set Empty
H1: Free Space MMOIs it informative enough?
H2: 4x strategyIs it informative enough?

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