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Summarized Content

TEXTS - TOUCH TYPING EXERCISE LESSONS - TOUCH TYPING COURSE. You would surely like to spend more time on things you like. However, you feel that slow typing makes you loose a lot of time. Bad typing habits are reinforced each time when you use your keyboard incorrectly (when a wrong finger clicks a given key). It makes you unable to type more quickly. Such inconspicuous wasting of time is terrible, because precious minutes accu*ulate in hours, days, weeks.. AgileFingers is a course that teaches how to type faster. It has been created by professionals, for current and future professionals. I'm the main creator of AgileFingers. As a programmer I know what it means to use the keyboard everyday, even a dozen or so hours. Unfortunately, education systems focus on teaching handwriting rather than learning how to correctly type using the keyboard. Because no one teaches you to type properly, you get the wrong habits that you can not get rid of. Programs that aim to teach you how to type fast, mostly concentrate on the speed, not correctness. Therefore, using the wrong program, you can type faster, but incorrectly. In this case, if your work requires a lot of typing, you may have future health problems related to abnormal muscle tension in the hands and wrists. Besides, typing incorrectly is unnatural it will never lead you to achieving the speed you are able to achieve. Before I started to study computer science, I learned how to type quickly using a program installed from a CD. I practiced every day for a few minutes for a good couple of months. I did not realize how great benefit it would bring in the future. I have been a professional programmer for many years. When I think about how much time and health I didn't loose thanks to touch typing, AgileFingers is a course that will help you type faster and correctly. Virtual hands show which keys you should press and which fingers should be used for that. You do not have to focus on the text, just press an appropriate keyboard key with an appropriate finger. In time

Agilefingers Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Touch typing lessons - learn to type faster - Could be improved
Description: Type much faster without looking at your keyboard. This top free online touch typing course will help you to increase your speed and
H1: Texts - touch typing exercise Lessons - touch typing course

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Zehnfingersystem Lektionen - tippe schneller - AgileFingers


Diese kostenlose Online Zehnfingersystem Kurs wird Ihnen helfen, viel schneller eingeben, ohne auf Ihre Tastatur zu sehen. Versuch es!


Texte - Tastaturschreiben Übungen Lektionen - Tastaturschreibkurs im 10-Finger-System


Aprender a escribir con velocidad en el teclado - AgileFingers


Escriba mucho más rápido sin mirar su teclado. Este curso gratuito le ayudará a aumentar su velocidad y precisión.


Textos - ejercicio rápido de mecanografía Lecciones - curso de mecanografía rápida


Apprendre à taper au clavier plus rapidement - AgileFingers


Ce cours gratuit de dactylographie en ligne vous aidera à taper beaucoup plus rapidement sans regarder votre clavier. Essayez-le!


Textes - exercice de typage rapide Leçons - cours de dactylographie rapide


Imparate a digitare più velocemente - AgileFingers


Questo corso di dattilografia online gratuito vi aiuterà a digitare molto più velocemente senza guardare la tastiera. Provatelo! Non ve ne pentirete.


Testi - esercizio di digitazione veloce Lezioni - corso di digitazione veloce

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