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Summarized Content

I recently changed my email client to Mozilla Thunderbird and I wanted to move over all of my Google contacts to my local address book. Unfortunately though there didn't see to be a clear way to do this. Google will allow you to export them as vcards but you can't import vcards into Thunderbird. I did find a nifty extension for Thunderbird that will import version 2.1 vcards (link Well I have just committed the first version of the home brewed Diigo module to It's a sandbox project so you can't find it on page I will be making for it here later. You can see an example of it on the bottom of this blog. I also put it in a Ja*aScript slideshow to It's been a long while since I have posted here but it has been awhile since I have had the time to do anything with this blog. but last week I made some time to move this site over to Drupal 7. Also I had months ago completed a mock up for a new site design and now that new design is up and running on this site. (It has a Koch snowflake in the logo, which is pretty awesome as far as I'm concerned.) Also I have written a few jQuery plug-ins on the site. Namely the the code preview block that you can see now on some of the blog posts, and the new slider for much easier. Sas* is a meta language that actually allows you the developer to create cleaner CSS code. Sas* actually even adds some new functionalities to CSS. It allows you to nest tags and helps you create nice semantically meaningful code. Also I allows you to set variables in your css files. So for instance you need to use a particular color more than once you an set a variable at the top of your sas* file with that color value like so: I finally got some free time to sit down and and look though Sam Ruby's book Agile Web Development with Rails open-source RoR projects to showcse my new skills. I was thinking of redoing the whole site using RoR, prototype, and HTML5 but Drupal is working out quite well for the blog, so I was thinking of using my new found knowledge of rails for developing a facebook application.

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Google Contacts and Mozilla Thunderbird | Arene Studios


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Google Contacts and Mozilla Thunderbird


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I am a web developer hear me RoR.


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