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mike and elizabeth from j4mb wish supporters a merry xmas christmas some stereotypes are permissible i was driving home from my brother’s home last week when i stopped feminists think se*ist men are se*ier than woke men women like bad boys. at least, that’s the story. and there’s lots men too can get fed up with vindictive, petty women and a world that takes their side. they walk away to preserve their sanity. peter ryan, who attended the australian march for men shares his views about the historic event. many people as*ume gynocentrism is the unchangeable biological setting for all human relationships, but is it? new contributor traffic to avfm has been buzzing for quite a while now. paul elam takes a moment to welcome to new readers, and to explain to them why mike buchanan and elizabeth hobson from justice for men and boys wish everyone a merry xmas the global thought police are cracking down on the practice of ‘negative gender stereotyping,’ but mostly in regards to women and according to a recent study, feminists find benevolently se*ist males more attractive. philip davies mp grants an interview to the only men’s political party around. robert franklin, providing the subject of se*ual as*ault something it direly needs. balance. is it time we men revisited the power of “we”? andy thomas makes a case for viewing men as an in-group. peter ryan presents a simple set of diagnostic criteria for identifying gynocentrism in society and relationships philip davies delivers bombshell speech on male genital mutilation (mgm) to house of commons. excitement brews with the revival of ‘fgm-derived’ skincare range for men. the overturning of the fgm ban paves the way for men to use cosmetic creams containing genital tissue extracts.. this is the way physics ends. not with a big ba*g, but a feminist whimper. janice fiamengo reviews the latest event in feminism’s war on science: cern and pisa university suspend particle physicist prof bettina arndt brings part 2 of her series on domestic violence and immigration fraud, including an interview with former law reform

Avoiceformen Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: A Voice for Men – Humanist Counter-Theory in the Age of Could be improved
Description: Humanist Counter-Theory in the Age of Could be improved
H1: A Voice for MenIs it informative enough?
H2: Fathers, too, can vote with their feetIs it informative enough?

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A Voice for Men – Page 2 – Humanist Counter-Theory in the Age of Misandry


Humanist Counter-Theory in the Age of Misandry


A Voice for Men


Fathers, too, can vote with their feet


Mike and Elizabeth from J4MB wish supporters a Merry Xmas


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Mike and Elizabeth from J4MB wish supporters a Merry Xmas


Authoring your own life


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/misandry/chivalry/feminists-think [censorship] ist-men-are [censorship] ier-than-woke-men/:

Feminists think ist men are ier than “woke” men



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Feminists think ist men are ier than “woke” men



Authoring your own life


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Mike Buchanan and Elizabeth Hobson of J4MB interview Philip Davies MP


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Mike Buchanan and Elizabeth Hobson of J4MB interview Philip Davies MP


Authoring your own life


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The power of “We” and how the language we use frames how we think


Changing the language. A call to use we to refer to ourselves because the language we use frames how we think.


The power of “We” and how language frames how we think


Authoring your own life


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