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security and user experience are important to us. Please do*nload the latest version of your preferred browser and navigate back to the Les informamos que Oriental Bank ha adquirido la Institución Financiera Eurobank. Si su préstamo pertenecía a Eurobank, la empresa Bayview Loan Servicing será ahora quien administrará sus pagos a nombre de Oriental Bank. Haga click en Continuar para ser dirigido a la página web donde usted podrá rápidamente registrar su cuenta y accesar información relacionada con su préstamo, como también realizar pagos por internet. Para preguntas o más información, llámenos al 1.877.488.6920. About Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC is recognized nationally as a premier servicer of both residential and Natural Disasters page that features resources and helpful information. Bayview is here to help! without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, se*, familial status, physical handicap or disability. The information in this web site is made available with the understanding that Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC and its affiliates use reasonable care in providing information but cannot guarantee accuracy or completeness. Information is provided with no warranty, express or implied, and all such warranties are expressly disclaimed. We as*ume no liability for any loss, damage or expense from errors or omissions in these materials, whether arising in contract, tort or otherwise. This information is proprietary and its acquisition, copying, transmittal or use by unauthorized parties is strictly prohibited. Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC, is a debt collector. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. To the extent that your obligation has been discharged or is subject to an automatic stay in bankruptcy this notice is for information purposes only and does not constitute a demand of payment or any attempt to collect such obligation. Mortgage Scam Alert: Beware of home loan rescue scams. Facing the possibility of not being able to make your mortgage payments is an

Bayviewloanservicing Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Home - Bayview Loan Could be improved
Description: If you are having challenges making your mortgage payments in full and on time, Bayview Loan Servicing can get your questions answered at our free Home Preservation

Other Helpful Websites and Services for Bayviewloanservicing

Internal Pages


Easy Payment Options - Bayview Loan Servicing


Choose one of seven convenient methods to make your mortgage payments offered by Bayview Loan Servicing.” />


Payment Options


Help for Financial Hardship - Bayview Loan Servicing


If you’ve missed a payment or anticipate having financial difficulty, you can protect your investment by calling Bayview Loan Servicing to discuss realistic and flexible options.


Hardship Information


Common Options for Avoiding Foreclosure - Bayview Loan Servicing


Whether you want to keep your home or are interested in moving on, Bayview has options that can help you overcome this stressful situation.


Common Options for Avoiding Foreclosure


Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives (HAFA) - Bayview Loan Servicing


Customers of Bayview Loan Servicing are encouraged to call one of our experienced Loan Counselors at 1.800.771.0299 or submit the online financial hardship form.


Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives


Short Sale Information for Homeowners - Bayview Loan Servicing


Bayview can ist you in the short sale process by suggesting experienced short–sale real estate professionals, helping with paperwork and making arrangements for closings.” />



Short Sale Information for Homeowners


Frequently Asked Questions about Short Sales

All the information about was collected from publicly available sources

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