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As many of you may know I tend to worship the sun and love a good tan. I’m one of those ‘I wish I was born Spanish’ type gals and get that warm fuzzy feeling when someone mistakenly greets me with an ‘Ola’ on holidays! Don’t get me wrong I love every other part of my Irish dna, but tanned skin is honestly my wish every time I blow an eyelash away, break a wishbone or see two black birds in a row. All jokes aside I am coming to the conclusion as I progress in years, that I had better not wait for magic to take effect and go out and get that A lot of you have been asking me what products I use in particular the ones I use on my excursions to sunnier places and so I thought I’d share it in a blog post. I could do ten posts but I’ll give one a go to start with! My most recent secret to bronzed looking skin has been might say and this Tantastic range has definitely caught my attention for all the right reasons. I live by the ‘Tan is for life not just holiday but also as a quick fix before a night out, unexpected Irish heatwave and emergency top ups when your best friend has bu*ter fingers and spills a drink over you as soon as you arrive at a party. It also fares well in water so super handy for your summer holiday. The best way to maintain this tanned look for those 7 days is to use a applying this every night it maintains the longer lasting tan while also adding a little, making up for any tan lost during those dips in This serves as your go to tan for last minute top ups. The finish is so natural and smooth looking, I love it. I used it most recently at two Irish Festivals, Forbidden Fruit and Body & Soul and it came out so nicely. There are 5 different types of Tantastic Self-Tan As the title suggests, to kick start Belle Azzure’s adventures I decided to dive right in and get a feel for what a day in the life of a blogger at Fashion Week would feel like. So with that in mind I booked flights to London Fashion Week with my former work wifey and

Belleazzure Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Belle Azzure | Fashion, Lifestyle, Travel & FoodBelle Could be improved
Description: Belle Azzure is an Irish Fashion & Lifestyle blog. Currently based in Dublin Could be improved
H2: Tantastic Self Tan Gets Thumbs Up!Is it informative enough?
H3: Tantastic Self Tan Gets Thumbs Up!Is it informative enough?

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Tantastic Self Tan Gets Thumbs Up! - Belle AzzureBelle Azzure


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Tantastic Self Tan Gets Thumbs Up!


Welcome to Belle Azzure!


London Fashion Week Style Diary - Belle AzzureBelle Azzure


Irish Fashion Blogger's Style Diary at London Fashion Week 2016. From outfit planning to young designer admiration, London Fashion Week had it all.


London Fashion Week Style Diary


Welcome to Belle Azzure!


Welcome to Belle Azzure! - Belle AzzureBelle Azzure


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Welcome to Belle Azzure!


Belle Azzure


The Brunch Life: 5 Brunch Spots in Dublin You Need To Try This Weekend - Belle AzzureBelle Azzure


The Brunch Life: 5 Brunch Spots You Need To Try In Dublin This Weekend


The Brunch Life: 5 Brunch Spots in Dublin You Need To Try This Weekend


Belle Azzure x

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