Insights on receives about 185215 visitors in one month.
That could possibly earn about $926.08 each month or $30.87 each day.
Traffic and Value (estimated)
Website Value | $16670 |
Alexa Rank | 266311 |
Monthly Visits | 185215 |
Daily Visits | 6174 |
Monthly Earnings | $926.08 |
Daily Earnings | $30.87 |
Traffic by Months (estimated)
Server Connection Speed
It took our server 3.17 seconds to reach and load the main page of This does not include JavaScript, image and CSS files load timing. This is a good result.
This result is good enough, but there is a room for improvement. If you would like to investigate please refer to the link at the bottom of this page.
More Domains on IP
Our system did not detect any websites except on this IP. Code Optimization Checklist
Summary Score is a calculated score for code structure and quality including the level of HTML code optimization, CSS and JavaScript compression.

Gzip compression is not enabled
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HTML code is minified
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- -> expiration not set
- -> 15 minutes
- -> 20 minutes
- -> 20 minutes
- -> 20 minutes
- -> 20 minutes
- -> 60 minutes
- -> 2 hours
- -> 4 hours
- -> 4 hours
Speed and usability scores by Google PageSpeed Insights.
Show More
• Speed Score
This is a resulting grade of the analized web page structure. Analysis tries to identify slow elements on the page such as incompressed images and not minified JavaScript code.
• Usability Score
This number is generated on the basis of content analysis. Do all UI elements fit the mobile viewport? Are all links and buttons located not too close to each other? The algorithm tries to answer these questions and give an estimated score.
• For more explanation and detailed report please visit

Gzip is not enabled
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HTML is minified
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Some elements on the page are too close to each other. This may cause confusion while browsing.

The size of all elements on the page fits the mobile viewport. Server Location
Country: Singapore
Metropolitan Area: Not defined
Postal Reference Code: 62
Latitude: 1.314
Longitude: 103.6839 Main Page Content
HTML Tag | Content | Informative? |
Title: | CARNIVAL | Could be improved |
Description: | CARNIVAL | Could be improved |
Do you own
We've noticed that you have issues with some content elements on the main page:
• Title contains 8 characters. We think that you could improve this tag by adding more relevant information or keywords.
• Description tag could contain more content. We detected that this tag contains 8 characters and this is a small volume for a description.
All the information about was collected from publicly available sources
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