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the high school students of the month are hanna harms, makala sutton, sarah lichtenauer, and kian clark!!!! notice of nondiscrimination the benton county r-1 school district's educational and vocational programs and activities are made available to all elementary and secondary students. the benton county r-1 school is also an equal opportunity employer. the benton county r-1 school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, se*, or handicap condition. the board of education has implemented a procedure for persons claiming discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, se*, age, or handicap condition and this procedure is a part of the board policies and may be found in the office of the the smith-cotton volleyball invitational is saturday, september 22nd at smith-cotton high school. complete tournament information the junior clas* is hosting a smoked pork dinner on sunday, september 23rd from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria. funds raised help support prom and the senior clas* float. the menu is smoked pork, green beans, corn, salads, and desserts. tickets are $7 for ad*lts and congratulations to jj howerton for earning a 4th place ribbon at the junior high kaysinger art contest!!! the green ridge jv volleyball tournament is saturday, september 29th. the lady bluebirds first match is at 9:00 a.m. tournament information all home volleyball matches will be played in 2 gyms with 5:30 start times. the jr. high teams will play in the jr. high gym and the freshman, jv, and varsity matches being in the high school gym. the volleyball team will following this same format when they play at green ridge on september 25th. the other away matches at otterville, sacred heart, and northwest will be played in one gym with a start facebook page: go to facebook and like cole camp r-1 school. we will be updating this page frequently! we will be using this as another form of communication and will share information and photos of school news.

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Basketball; Lady Bluebirds Varsity and JV / JV and Varsity Schedule


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National Honor Society / National Honor Society


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Basketball; Bluebird Boys Varsity and JV / Bluebird Baskedtball Schedule


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Cole Camp R-1 School District / Overview


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