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Belief of life is too little faith in impermanence.  Belief of impermanence can be too little faith in eternity. Belief of ceaseless Exactly what if all the pieces are all grounded in the whole? Then what is the whole? Perhaps every thing is the whole that is only. So things except everything are all parts. But would the growth of parts not be the growth of the whole? Guess that everything is the whole. Existence becomes one part of a dance that is perpetual. I get this sensation that I am actually the boat responsible to the effects of this universe, While I derealize.  In the moment, this sensation leads me to the thought that this universe is all quite contained in my own understanding that is personal.  This really can be an intriguing idea that deserves contributing the charge and battle when I return interior myself which is a means of setting it seeing as I can not leave myself.  My experiences from a perspective remain my adventures.  I find myself living experiences that lead to understanding that's hard to reconcile with a body-contained that is consistent world perspective.  Many paths can be explored about any of it dissonance.  For now, I think I will hold myself to a level of integrity that requires me to complete some research.  Much of this derealized space's effects might be easily explained with a During derealization the God archetype is found as sort of thing sitting behind this wall of sensory encounter.  Currently, my big quest is determining whether that God archetype is itself seeking to express though the derealization or some thing.  In everyday activity, we cannot help but knowingly experience being the center of the universe.  In the process of establishing an accommodating commons we seem to bend our understanding of this individual experience in to something much less egocentric.  This social bending stays somewhat mysterious to

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