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Title: The Book Could be improved
Description: Unforgiving Destiny - the Relentless Pursuit of a Black Marketeer. Home page. David McMillan escapes the 'Bangkok Hilton' jail. Continues the four-decade battle with the DEA and international police agencies. Following imprisonment in a supermax jail, a rigged helicopter breakout and a sham the new autobiographical book describes the victories and defeats during a 40-year battle with international police agencies and twice escaping the death-row. Negotiating with opium traders and Taliban, McMillan frees a kidnapped friend while posing as an antiquities trader. Involvement in a 12-tonne shipment of hashish, David McMillan returns to the USA to understand his nemesis at the US Drug Enforcement Administration, then to win an extradition case in London's Westminster court. A unique biography rising above simple true-crime stories. Original began writing at the suggestion of thriller writer Stephen Leather.
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