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Summarized Content

2019 has arrived in all its glory. i wish all my friends and colleagues in the dav and the arya samaj the very best for the coming year. may the almighty bless you with a good intellect so that you may achieve every goal you set for this year. may you all have a peaceful, voltaire had once said “if we want people to speak good of us, we must be good.” so the perception that people must carry about us is that dav is fair, honest and factual in our as*essment and our work of character building. we mean business and will leave no stone unturned in the process. our institutions are doing commendable job in reaching the pinnacle in the academics and also strike a fine balance between vedic wisdom and modernity to create holistic and enlightened citizens of the world. let us pledge that we will introspect to identify our weak areas so that we can continue to tread the path which will lead us to further glory & accolades. i further pray to the almighty to ignite the light of humility in the entire dav fraternity so that the darkness of ego and selfishness is banished from our hearts. as it is only through humility that we will have the strength to achieve our common goal to serve god’s creations - whether it be man, an*mal or the environment. i pray to the almighty, to give us the strength and the wisdom to work towards our common goal, to carry the flag of dav to higher pedestals while the sound of aum resonates from every heart. i pray to the almighty that “aap khush raho, khushal raho, abaad raho, azad raho.”. select dav cmc menu about davcmc arya samaj president’s message davcmc videos alumni davcmc intellectual hub. received from prof. b. rath, vice chancellor,, utkal university. innovation challenge round for atal tinkering laboratory held at kolkata

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