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Summarized Content

for an absolute beginner in ja*a, you may learn ja*a at decodeja*a in the following sequence, starting with our section ja*a fundamentals, know more about control statements, starting with if statement, please read our section ja*a control statements to know about ja*a exceptions and how they are caused in a ja*a program, you may begin at exception handling in ja*a ja*a and one of the hot topics in the interviews. to know more about thread and its features, please read threads in ja*a objects. collections is an advanced topic of core ja*a but you shouldn't miss it. to begin with the clas*es in collections framework, interface(gui). for more on swing and its clas*es with easy code examples, you may begin at ja*a swing ja*a is a high-level programming language developed by sun microsystems. in 1991, a team of engineers called green team led by james gosling invented this language while working for sun microsystems. initially, it was named oak. at that time, it was basically designed to control a list of consumer electronics devices such as - tv set-top boxes, cell phones, etc.. in 2010, sun microsystems was acquired by the oracle corporation. significantly, ja*a is now owned by the oracle corporation. possible with c++. another feature of ja*a - exception handling, reduces the possibility of a ja*a application crash, fatal errors and pointers in ja*a. as ja*a programs are meant to run in a special environment called- ja*a virtual machine(jvm), ja*a has made sure that there is no illegal access to the memory locations without proper authorization and thereby avoiding compromising with data integrity. and clas*es. many features of oop(object oriented programming) paradigm are also present in ja*a, such as : if you are not aware of these terms, don't worry! we will discuss these features in detail in the upcoming articles, later on. tasks at the same time or at least giving an impression of being multiple tasks being executed at the same time, in a very smooth and

Decodejava Main Page Content

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Title: presenting simple and easy Java Could be improved
Description: presenting simple and easy Java tutorials. Welcome and let us start with the history of Java and its main
H1: Java Programming LanguageIs it informative enough?
H2: History of Java Programming LanguageIs it informative enough?

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Decode presenting simple and easy a tutorials



Decode presenting simple and easy a tutorials. Welcome and let us start with the history of a and its main features.



a Programming Language



History of a Programming Language


/ [censorship] a-string.htm:

a String Cl - Decode



String is a nothing but a sequence of characters within double quotes. A String object can be constructed in various ways. Let's us see how to create a string object.


What is String?


What is String?

/ [censorship] a-bytestream-cl [censorship] es.htm:

a Byte Stream Cl es - Decode



In a, Stream is a channel or a path along which data flows between source and destination. There are two kinds of streams - input stream and output stream. Input stream is a path through which data is read or fetched from a source(file, memory, or a console). While, output stream is a path which is used to write some data to a destination(file, memory or a console). Based on the type of data that we want to read, a has two Stream cl es - Byte Stream Cl es and Character Stream Cl es.



Stream Cl es



Byte Stream Cl es


/ [censorship] a-applet.htm:

a Applet Cl - Decode



AppLet us a a program that can be transported over the internet and executed by a a enabled web-browser(if browser is supporting the applets) or an applet can be executed using appletviewer utility provided with JDK. An appLet us created using the Applet cl , whch is a part of a.applet package.



Applet Cl



There are two types of the applet -

/ [censorship] a-threads.htm:

Threads in a - Decode



A thread is a program in execution that is performing some specific task. In a, a thread is automatically created and started when the a Virtual Machine(JVM) loads and this thread is called main thread. In order to execute a a program, the main thread looks for the main() method in it. This thread is called main thread because the main() method of a a program is the first method that runs in it.



Threads in a



Multithreaded programming

All the information about was collected from publicly available sources

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