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Postal Reference Code: 20149
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Summarized Content

smallholder fa*mers who produce much of the world’s food are often the poorest and most malnourished among us. we’re working to change. of the world’s 1 billion plus poor, 75 percent live in rural areas. improving agricultural prosperity can improve the lives of millions of. we empower smallholder fa*mers to lift themselves out of poverty by harnessing the power of technology and gras*roots-level partnerships. together with our partners, we create digital solutions to as*ist vast sections of rural communities as they lift themselves out of poverty. digital green's founder and ceo rikin gandhi won the 2017 microsoft alumni inspired leader award. watch this video to learn more: digital green won the usaid digital development award for its work on the digital integration to amplify agricultural extension project in digital green's founder and ceo, rikin gandhi was selected as innovator under 35 by mit's tech review in 2010. digital green’s founder and ceo, rikin gandhi is an ashoka fellow since 2010. digital green was named among the 100 most inspiring tech-for-good ventures from around the world. digital green won the 4th engo challenge in 2015 for innovative use of econtent. digital green’s founder and ceo, rikin gandhi was selected as fortune’s global forum visionary in 2010. digital green's founder and ceo, rikin gandhi received the ifa norman borlaug award in 2012. digital green’s founder and ceo, rikin gandhi is a ted fellow (agricultural tech innovator) digital green won the manthan award south asia in 2008 in the category environment.

Digitalgreen Main Page Content

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Title: Digital Could be improved
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H1: Our SolutionsIs it informative enough?
H2: Smallholder farmers who produce much of the world’s food are often the poorest and most malnourished among us. We’re working to change that.

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