Ea-foundation.org Website Review

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Longitude: 8.1551

Summarized Content

DEVELOPING, PROMOTING, AND IMPLEMENTING EFFECTIVE ALTRUISM. Effective Altruism is an honest attempt at answering the question—how can we do as much good as possible? As a global community we apply the scientific principles to figure out how to use our resources to help others as effectively as possible. Then we go We help grow the global effective altruism movement and strive for a world without extreme suffering. To develop, promote, and implement the philosophy of effective altruism we run projects in three areas: research, community, and philanthropy. By Stefan Torges and Jonas Vollmer Summary Research: We plan to continue our research in the areas of AI-related decision theory and bargaining, fail-safe measures, and macrostrategy. Research coordination: We plan to host a research workshop focused on preventing disvalue from AI, publish an updated research agenda, and continue our support and coaching of independent… These donation recommendations follow from our focus on risks of astronomical suffering (s-risks). This focus is based on the view that the long-term future is overwhelmingly important from an altruistic point of view, and the belief that there is a significant chance that artificial intelligence will fundamentally transform human civilization in the near future. It… The main goal of this approach is to identify, attract, and develop top talent–and help them have more impact. I think EA local groups should focus on this because they have a comparative advantage at community building. The most valuable direct work often requires specialised skills and knowledge, and is best done in a professional… What are the world’s most pressing problems, and how can we solve them? Motivated by our concern for extreme suffering, our research We want to build a community of exceptionally committed people who have dedicated their lives to helping others and are cognizant of the complexity of this task. We host events and support local groups in order to help the movement grow sustainably and ensure that the core

Ea-foundation Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Home - Effective Altruism Could be improved
Description: Not set Empty
H1: Developing, promoting, and implementing effective altruism.
H3: NewsIs it informative enough?

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Foundational Research Institute



/wild- [censorship] -suffering-research/:

Wild- Suffering Research - Effective Altruism Foundation



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Wild- Suffering Research





Policy Papers - Effective Altruism Foundation


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Donation Advice - Effective Altruism Foundation


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Tax-Deductible Donations - Effective Altruism Foundation


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All the information about ea-foundation.org was collected from publicly available sources

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