Eoiprague.gov.in Website Review

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Eoiprague.gov.in Server Location

Country: India
Metropolitan Area: Chennai
Postal Reference Code: 600001
Latitude: 13.0878
Longitude: 80.2785

Summarized Content

The President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind attending the function at Charles University at Prague in the Czech Republic on September 8, The President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind visiting the ELI Beamlines International Laser Research Centre at Prague in the Czech President delivers Press Statement during his State Visit to Czech Republic President meets Radek Vondracek, President of House of Deputies of the Parliament of Czech Republic in Prague President meets Andrej Babis, Prime Minister of Czech Republic in Prague President delivers his address at India-Czech Republic Business Event in Prague President addresses Indian Community during his State Visit to Czech Republic President inspects Guard of Honour at 1st Courtyard of Prague Castle during his State Visit to Czech Republic Ambas*ador met Prime Minister of the Czech Republic on 30 August, 2018 Ambas*ador called on H.E. Mr. Jaroslav Kubera, President of the Senate of the Czech Republic Satya Vaarta by H.E. Mr. Daniel Herman, former Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic on 6 December 2018 ‘Satya Vaarta’ by H.E. Mr. Daniel Herman, former Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic Ambas*ador met H.E. Mr. Radek Vondráček, President (Speaker) of the Chamber of Deputies of Parliament of the Czech Republic Ambas*ador called on H.E. Mr. Jaroslav Kubera, President of the Senate of the Czech Republic Satya Vaarta by H.E. Mr. Daniel Herman, former Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic on 6 December 2018 ‘Satya Vaarta’ by H.E. Mr. Daniel Herman, former Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic Ambas*ador met H.E. Mr. Dan Ťok, Minister of Transport of the Czech Republic Emergency No.    :            +420 702 125 338 (For Emergency Consular                                           As*istance Outside Office Hours) Fax                        :           (00-420) 257 533 378; 257 533 285 Office hours          :           Monday-Friday 0900-1730 hrs (1300-1330 Lunch break)

Eoiprague Main Page Content

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Title: Embassy of India, Prague, Czech Could be improved
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Emb y of India, Prague, Czech Republic



Emb y of India, Prague, Czech Republic : Amb ador Profile



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Emb y of India Prague, Czech Republic



Emb y of India, Prague, Czech Republic



Emb y of India, Prague, Czech Republic : Working Hours



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Emb y of India Prague, Czech Republic



Emb y of India, Prague, Czech Republic



Emb y of India, Prague, Czech Republic : Emb y Officials



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Emb y of India Prague, Czech Republic



Emb y of India, Prague, Czech Republic



Emb y of India, Prague, Czech Republic : List of Holidays



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Emb y of India Prague, Czech Republic



Emb y of India, Prague, Czech Republic


All the information about eoiprague.gov.in was collected from publicly available sources

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