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Summarized Content

I was recently on an episode of the Ja*aScript Jabber podcast! I talked about Helmet, one of my open source projects. If youre interested in hearing me blabber about HTTP headers in Node, nows your chance. Thanks to Charles Max Wood for being a great host and for a continually solid podcast. > And this is the point: fancy code is exclusionary. The cost of > changing that code is higher because the pool of developers that can > work on it is lower, and the cost of increasing the size of that > pool is higher. > This isnt to say that inclusivity is the only criteria we should use > to examine code, but its something we often forget, and its pretty > important. If your team plans to grow, the more programmers out > there that could join your team and be successful, the easier it > will be for you to grow that team. If you require de*p expertise in > a language or framework to be productive, you either have to filter > for that in your interview process, or be prepared for a long > onboarding to get new people productive. My final submission to 2018s JS1k contest was my third idea. I originally made a coin-collecting game (source here importantly, I couldnt make it fun! I also abandoned a simple spreadsheet program (source here I settled on an interactive page where you could control lightning bolts by moving the mouse. Check it out here!   const dt = lastTime ? lastTime - t : 0   lastTime = t I modified some of the specifics of this design (shortening names and things) to keep my code under 1K, but its conceptually the same in my A key component of this design is the dt variable. Every bit of movement is relative to this variable in some way. For example, when a ball moves across the screen, you should write something like this: This means that the velocity isnt bound to the framerate—it works on a fast computer and a slow computer. This idea prevents slowdown on

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Fancy code is exclusionary › Evan Hahn (dot com)


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My entry to JS1k 2018: Zap › Evan Hahn (dot com)


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Show only production dependencies with npm › Evan Hahn (dot com)


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On modern censorship › Evan Hahn (dot com)


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All the information about evanhahn.com was collected from publicly available sources

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