Fairfactories.org Website Review

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Longitude: -97.822

Summarized Content

The mission of Fair Factories Clearinghouse is to facilitate informed ethical business decisions for a better and more livable world. The FFC offers a proven, secure web-based tool to track workplace compliance in an efficient and cost-effective way. The FFC is a FFC facilitates sharing of information relating to workplace conditions among FFC members to promote transparency in accordance We are dedicated to providing our members excellent training and as*istance. We understand that each of our members is unique and has Our online helpdesk system, powered by JIRA, is the method to contact the FFC Team for any technical or functional support needs. You can The FFC offers a proven, secure web-based tool to track workplace compliance in an efficient and cost-effective way. The FFC is a FFC facilitates sharing of information relating to workplace conditions among FFC members to promote transparency in accordance Our online helpdesk system, powered by JIRA, is the method to contact the FFC Team for any technical or functional support needs. You can. OUR MEMBERS ARE: COMPANIES, TRADE ORGANIZATIONS AND NON-PROFIT CLIENTS. Countries in which FFC members have workplace data 149 Number of workplaces monitored using FFC by FFC members 40,902 Number of workplace as*essments performed by FFC members 112,849  

Fairfactories Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Fair Factories Clearinghouse | Could be improved
Description: factory, workplace, standards, sourcing, conditions, social, compliance, audits, security, environmental, factories, process, sharing, collaborative, global, database,
H1: Compliance Solutions for a Better WorldIs it informative enough?
H2: Our Members Are: Companies, Trade Organizations and Non-Profit Clients
H3: Audit ManagementIs it informative enough?

Other Helpful Websites and Services for Fairfactories

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Audit Management System


Audit Management System


Audit Management System


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Member Services You Can Expect


Member Services You Can Expect


Member Services You Can Expect


Networking and Knowledge Referrals


Software Help Desk Support


Software Help Desk Support


Software Help Desk Support


Software Help Desk Support


Request A Demo | www.fairfactories.org


factory, workplace, standards, sourcing, conditions, social, compliance, audits, security, environmental, factories, process, sharing, collaborative, global, database, non-competitive


Request A Demo


Events | www.fairfactories.org


factory, workplace, standards, sourcing, conditions, social, compliance, audits, security, environmental, factories, process, sharing, collaborative, global, database, non-competitive


FFC Events

All the information about fairfactories.org was collected from publicly available sources

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