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Website Value $1817
Alexa Rank 375290
Monthly Visits 20188
Daily Visits 673
Monthly Earnings $100.94
Daily Earnings $3.36
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Country: Germany
Metropolitan Area: Not defined
Postal Reference Code: Not defined
Latitude: 51.4476
Longitude: 7.0122

Summarized Content

We are the masters of short but intense event forms. we are probably the only team in Poland that is so old. experience in organizing animations during events of various scale and character - corporate and private events, weddings. contents. Play focuses on tasting, games, quizzes and stories about the habits of consuming beverages in different cultures. our service is an interactive show in which guests travel along routes and off-road scents and flavors and cross several. time and climate zones. tasting is carried out by experienced experts and alcohol experts. they are able to tell witty and humorous about alcohol, culture and customs related to tasted beverages. the attractiveness of events is provided by multimedia. - presentation kiosks, multimedia projectors and interactive telebims. cooking and bartending workshop. preparing and tasting dishes with alcohols selected for them. tasting tinctures, explaining the process of their production and secret recipes. wines from several continents and testing snacks highlighting the aromas of different types of wine. demonstration and tasting of selected beers. approximation of the history and production process of various types of beer. tasting very little known in Poland alcohols from Asia, Europe, South America and Africa. presentation of mead. approximation of the production process and the secrets of species recognition. meeting with whiskey led by an expert and long-term whiskey ambas*ador in poland

Globalfun24 Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: GlobalFun - Champions of the ... distillation of the deepest events Could be improved
Description: Not set Empty
H1: GlobalFun Is it informative enough?
H2: The champions of the ... distillation of major events
H3: Quchnia destilata Is it informative enough?

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