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the grd iyers gurucool is celebrating nov-4, 2018, sunday, as world shakti day for the sake of celebrating universal womanhood and. as the cosmic strength or divine energy and as a a force of nature behind the cosmic order of the universe. as a celebration of this. grand tradition, grd iyers gurucool will be honouring 1000 women (representing universal womanhood) as shakti through a sahasra. if you are a woman of 21 years or older, then we welcome and invite you to register to be one of the 1000 women to be honoured during. we heartily welcome women from all communities to come and participate in this grand event. there are no constraints regarding marital. participate in this unique and first-in-canada event and help us make it a grand success by celebrating inclusivity, womanhood and feminism.. venue: hindu heritage centre, 6300 mississauga road, mississauga, on l5n 1a7. dress code: regional formal indian dress for those from southeast asia.. ​for others, knee length formal dress as per their region or country is recommended. registration timeline: before or by 31-oct, 2018. my wife​'s name is ga*athri (g), i am ramesh (r) and durga (d) is our daughter and iyers is our community name. during the sahasra chandi 2015 held in mississauga, my students started referring to me as a “cool guru” and we turned that phrase to “guru cool” to represent the concept of “gurukul” or the name given to spiritual schools. and hence our team’s name is grd iyers gurucool.               we have been teaching vedas since 2004 and devi mahatmyam (aka durga saptashati) since 2008. ours is an inclusive approach and we teach all those wishing to learn. we especially encourage women to chant. all our clas*es are free and the students also enjoy a simple breakfast, lunch or dinner as the case may be, depending upon the clas* timing. we offer clas*es at our home and we stream our clas*es live over ustream and livestream too. the clas*es are also recorded and uploaded

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