Hakusan-megane.co.jp Website Review

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Website Value $696
Alexa Rank 972424
Monthly Visits 7732
Daily Visits 258
Monthly Earnings $38.66
Daily Earnings $1.29
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Hakusan-megane.co.jp Server Location

Country: Japan
Metropolitan Area: Not defined
Postal Reference Code: Not defined
Latitude: 35.69
Longitude: 139.69

Summarized Content

お持ちのメガネがございましたら、是非ご持参の上ご来店下さい。 (仮に、度数が合わないなど滅多にご使用になっていない状態のメガネでも、検査の際には非常に参考になります。) コンタクトご使用の方で、視力検査を必要とされる場合は、出来ましたら装用せずにご来店下さい。 来店されてからお外しになりますと、検査の際に最短でも30分間はお待ちいただくこととなります。 当社といたしましては、模倣品の製造又は販売に対して法的措置等厳正な対応を講じ、模倣品排除の対策に取り組んでまいる所存です。 お客様におかれましても白山眼鏡店の製品のご購入にあたっては、直営店よりご購入頂きますようお願い申し上げます。 1946年に上野に誕生した 現 白山眼鏡店(はくさんがんきょうてん)

Hakusan-megane Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Hakusan glasses store - HAKUSAN Could be improved
Description: Hakusan eyeglass store (HAKUSAN MEGANE) has been producing original frames since 1975. The basic concept is do not design too much. We are trying to make frames familiar with nature to those who wear
H2: ACETATE BASICIs it informative enough?
H3: ニューモデルのご案内Is it informative enough?

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Internal Pages


Hakusan Eyegl Store - HAKUSAN MEGANE



Hakusan eyegl store (HAKUSAN MEGANE) has been producing original frames since 1975. The basic concept is do not design too much.



Hakusan Eyegl Store - Comments on HAKUSAN MEGANE |



Not defined


INFORMATION | Hakusan Eyegl es store - HAKUSAN MEGANE |



We will inform you of new products etc. from the gl es store Hakusan Gl es store.



ABOUT | Hakusan Eyegl es store - HAKUSAN MEGANE |



PHILOSOPHY concept of making things Our company was born in Ueno in 1946 as a roots of Hakusan Gl es Store (Shirayama Megane), founded in Ningyocho in 1883 Hakusan eyegl store (a lot of luncheons). Ori






Hakusan Eyegl es store (HAKUSAN MEGANE) has been producing original frames since 1975. The basic concept is do not design too much. We are trying to make frames familiar with nature to those who wear gl es.


All the information about hakusan-megane.co.jp was collected from publicly available sources

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