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Summarized Content

member of Washington University in St. Louis. This is a hybrid course that combines clas*room learning with Internet delivered videos. All material for this clas* can be found at the link provided. member of this family is represented by a hexidecimal encoding, such as E542-5F79-9341-F31E-6C6B-7F08-8773-7068 that represent a MergeLife update rule. The three patterns that you see above are three different MergeLife update rules. Other than a random starting grid, these completly deterministic. MergeLife rules are discovered using a Genetic Algorithm. You can think of MergeLife as a utility to create entirely new Cellular Automata that are similar to Conway's Game of Life. Complete implementations of MergeLife in Ja*a, Python, and publisher. Heaton Research is the homepage for his projects and research.

Heatonresearch Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Jeff Heaton | Heaton Could be improved
Description: Welcome to Heaton Research, the site that contains my projects, books, and blog. My name is Jeff Heaton, I am a data scientist, indy publisher, and adjunct instructor at Washington University. My
H1: Jeff HeatonIs it informative enough?

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About Jeff Heaton | Heaton Research


Jeff Heaton, Ph.D., is a data scientist, an adjunct instructor for the Sever Institute at Washington University, and the author of several books about artificial intelligence. Jeff holds a Master of


About Jeff Heaton


Contact Heaton Research, Inc./Jeff Heaton | Heaton Research


Please fill out this form and I will reply in email. Sorry about the email form, but this does help me cutback on SPAM. Name Email Subject Your Me


Contact Heaton Research, Inc./Jeff Heaton


Our Social Sites


Encog Machine Learning Framework | Heaton Research


Encog is an advanced machine learning framework that supports a variety of advanced algorithms, as well as support cl es to normalize and process data. Machine learning algorithms such as Support V



Encog Machine Learning Framework


Encog Do entation



Heaton Research Bookstore | Heaton Research


Jeff Heaton publishs several books on Artificial Intelligence. These books are written to be programming language independent. These books usually contain examples in the Python, R, a, and C# pr



Heaton Research Bookstore


Artificial Intelligence for Humans | Heaton Research


This site contains several online examples for the book series “Artificial Intelligence for Humans”. These examples are implemented in HTML5 using ascript. Introduction to the Math of Neural Net



Artificial Intelligence for Humans

All the information about heatonresearch.com was collected from publicly available sources

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