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Title: | iConnectHue | The Philips Hue Lights App for iPhone and | Could be improved |
Description: | Philips Hue lights are more fun with iConnectHue - the ultimate Philips Hue iPhone/iOS app and one of the best ways to control your Hue lights. Group your lights, play with their colors and animate your lights in their nicest color shades - it's pure entertainment! Multiply the possibilities of | ![]() |
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/features/: | |
Title |
Features | iConnectHue |
Description |
Chapters Why iConnectHue? iConnectHue in the press Requirements Compared to Philips' Hue v3 app Why use iConnectHue for your Philips Hue system? It's an app with full feature set - control almost every aspect of your hue lights - and was designed with you as a user in mind Enjoy constant app updates... |
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Features |
/f-a-q/: | |
Title |
FAQ / Help | iConnectHue |
Description |
Note: Open in browser to be able to translate (tap share on on top right in iConnectHue) Chapters Most important / most asked The app basics Timers Animations Discotainment Groups and Rooms Sharing, Backup and data storage App and user interface Widget Apple Watch app Siri Shortcuts Purchases, I... [censored]
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FAQ / Help |
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Most important / most asked |
/supported-devices/: | |
Title |
Philips Hue: Supported lights and devices | iConnectHue |
Description |
Here you can see an up to date list of supported lights and supported devices that work with your Philips Hue system (producted by Signify, former Philips Lighting), especially in conjunction with iConnectHue, partially with a mini review and configuration hints, as well as some purchase links and c... |
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Philips Hue: Supported lights and devices |
H3 |
Switches and sensors |
/light-fixtures-for-hue/: | |
Title |
Fixtures for Hue lights | iConnectHue |
Description |
Lamp shades / light fixtures: These work especially well with your Philips Hue lights! Find accessories for your Philips Hue Light s, adapters and more. Note: The Philips lamps shown on this page are mainly only available in Europe. US and Canadian links are supplied whenever possible. [censored]
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Fixtures for Hue lights |
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E14 / Candalebra (E12) lamps |
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E27 Floor lamps |
/gallery/: | |
Title |
Gallery | iConnectHue |
Description |
Please note: Some of the images displayed here may not represent the most current user interface - we still keep them here to show you iConnectHue's functionalities. We will update them soon. |
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Gallery |
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Videos |
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