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Title: ipunchbags | How To Choose, Use, And Abuse Your Punching Bag Could be improved
Description: I want to talk about a very special punching bag - the Bob Body Punching Bag. If you don't know what I'm talking about, the picture below should give you an idea as to what it is. I have used these a number of times and they are phenomenal. The amount of techniques you can work on this training tool outweighs any other punching bag on the market. The reason why this bag is a very valuable tool should be obvious. Since the bag is shaped like real dude, you not only get a feel for how the human body will react, but you also learn to target specific areas on the target. For example, the neck, the solar plexus, the kidneys, the chin, the temple, the ear, the underarms, and even the collar bones. Because of this added realism, this bag is particularly effective for martial arts like Wing Chun because you can practice your hand sets full force on a target that is accurate to real life. Let me show you some of the cool things you can do with this punching bag: You can buy this bag cheapest on Amazon through this link here. As you can see, the possibilities are endless. One thing I really love about this bag is that it can help students get comfortable seeing a massive target in front of them. This is great for students who are a little timid at first. By working out on this bag, it gets your brain used to seeing an opponent of large stature. Not exactly the real thing, but definitely helps a lot! Let's look at the pros and the cons of this bag. The Pros Realistic punching reflex - reacts like a human body when struck. Also helps you learn how to properly hold your first when striking strangle angles like a human face or collar bone. Very very durable - made of high strength plastisol lasts for a very long time so you don't have to keep buying new ones over and over again. Perfect for honing in on targets - you can practice striking certain points of the human body which is very valuable training. The Cons Fairly expensive - it's an expensive bag but definitely worth it considering the input you get from it Not heavy enough for big punchers - the weight of this bag is fine for beginners, but those with heavy hands will notice this thing moves around a lot. That can be a good thing though as it makes it just a little bit more realistic.
H2: Let me show you some of the cool things you can do with this punching bag:
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