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• On January 06, 2019, the last section of the Ribbon talked about the introduction of the Ribbon. This section explores the advanced features of the Ribbon. Built-in load balancing rules Load balancing rules are the core of the Ribbon. Let's take a look at the built-in load balancing rules of the Ribbon. AvailabilityFilteringRule: Filters out the connection that has failed to be connected as circuit • January 05, 2019 After the previous article, we have implemented service discovery. This section to solve the following problems with the Spring Cloud (Finchley version) -02- build distributed applications: How to consider load balancing? Is it necessary to add a NGINX load balancing between the movie microservice and the user microservice? It sounds feasible, but if there is 10000+ service (this is not an exaggeration, the number of microservices in our company is this number multiplied by N, N >= m, hahaha) How complicated is this NGINX configuration... ... In general, when it comes to load balancing, it's easy to think of browsers -> NGINX -> Reverse generation.. Servers allow anonymous access, which generally fails to meet the company's security requirements. This section builds an Eureka Server that requires login to access. Eureka itself does not have the ability to securely authenticate, and Spring Cloud uses Spring Security to enhance Eureka Server. Eureka Server-side transformation plus dependency 1234<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot<.. Cloud (Finchley Edition)-05-Service Registration and Service Discovery-Eureka Getting Started section has written an Eureka Server and will Service providers and consumers are registered with Eureka Server. In this section, explore the advanced features of Eureka. Eureka Principles This section explores the principles of Eureka. Region & Availability Zone an*lyzes the Eureka principle. Before an*lyzing the principle, let's take a look at the Region and Availability Zone, as follows: • January 01, 2019 This section explains the service discovery based on Eureka. About Eureka Eureka is Netflix's open source service discovery component. It is a REST-based service that includes both Server and Client. Spring Cloud integrates it into the subproject Spring Cloud Netflix. Expanded reading Cloud (Finchley version) -02- build distributed applications) said: address hard coding problem - the micro-service in the movie micro-service writes the address of the user micro-service, if the user micro-service address changes, it is necessary to re-launch the movie Micro service?

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Spring Cloud, Docker, microservice architecture, Cloud Native related knowledge sharing.


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About me | Zhou Li's blog - Focus on Spring Cloud, Docker


Zhou Li 8 years + software development & system architecture experience, has served as a senior development, architect, senior architect, technical expert; currently in Hangzhou Alibaba, The name of the flower (seeing a thousand miles, to the next level). Have a er understanding of Spring Cloud, microservices, and container-related ecosystem technologies. There is Spring Cloud and Docker micro-service architecture combat. The author's current research...



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