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/about/: | |
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About | kafka-fuura |
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(Updated Dec 2018) Recommended Viewing Settings: browser: Chrome/Chromium font: Ume P Gothic C4 / Ume UI Gothic / VL Gothic wide-font: Noto Sans CJK JP / Noto Serif CJK JP Contact Information: email: kafka.fuura#^#gmail.com (replace #^# with an at symbol) twitter: ZephyrRz About Me: Hello, I'm Kafka, a.k.a. ZephyrRz. I am a professional freelance Japanese-to-English… |
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YuYuKo will EaT YoU |
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/japanese-mahjong/: | |
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Mahjong | kafka-fuura |
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A Complete Guide to how to play Japanese Mahjong, sometimes called Riichi/Reach Mahjong - planned to be comprehensive enough for people who have never played to figure it out, as well as organized and broken down so people who already know some will be able to learn more ^^ Other Guides Wikidot Mahjong - A… |
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YuYuKo will EaT YoU |
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Mahjong |
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/cl [censorship] ical-japanese/: | |
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文語 Bungo | kafka-fuura |
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荒れて、人目もなくはるばると見渡されて、木立 いとうとましくものふりたり。け近き草木 などは、ことに見所なく、みな秋の 野らにて、池も水 草に埋もれたれば、いとけうとげになりにける所 かな。別納の方にぞ、曹司などして、人住む べかめれど、こなたは離れたり。「けうとくもなりに ける所かな。さりとも、鬼なども我をば見許し てむ」とのたまふ。顔はなほ隠したまへれど、女のいと つらしと思へれば、「げに、かばかりにて隔て あらむも、ことのさまに違ひたり」と思して、 「夕露に紐とく花は玉鉾のたよりに -- 見えし縁にこそありけれ露の光やいかに」と のたまへば、後目に見おこせて、 「光ありと見し夕顔のうは露はたそかれ どきのそら目なりけり」とほのかに言ふ。をかしと思し なす。げに、うちとけたまへるさま、世になく、所から、まいて ゆゆしきまで見えたまふ。「尽きせず隔てたまへるつら さに、あらはさじと思ひつるものを。今だに名のり したまへ。いとむくつけし」とのたまへど、「海人の子なれば」 とて、さすがにうちとけぬさま、いとあいだれたり。「よし、 これも 我からなめり」と、怨みかつは語らひ、 暮らしたまふ。惟光、尋ねきこえて、御くだものなど ...and you thought your cursive was hard to read. (Excerpt from 夕顔/Yuugao) Preface: This is version 2.0 of The Bungo Page. (and still **UNDER CONSTRUCTION**) ***Everything Under the Bar is… |
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YuYuKo will EaT YoU |
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文語 Bungo |
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What is “Cl ical Japanese” and Why Should I Study It? [censored]
/lyrics-navigation-page/: | |
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Lyrics Navigation | kafka-fuura |
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This is useful for finding lyrics translations from 2009 to mid-2015. If you cannot find it here, please use the site's search function. I recommend you use the find function: [ctrl]+[f] If you are on a smartphone/iPhone, I recommend installing Chrome, which has a Find in Page function. (Categorically Organized, Ordered by Most Recent First)… |
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YuYuKo will EaT YoU |
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Lyrics Navigation |
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/translationsside-projects/: | |
Title |
Fan-Projects | kafka-fuura |
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Text Translations: Kafka Fuura ZUN's Original Music Collections [Track-Accompanied Stories] 蓬莱人形 ~ Dolls in Psuedo Paradise. Available on Site 蓮台野夜行 ~ Ghostly Field Club. Available on Site 夢違科学世紀 ~ Changeability of Strange Dream. Available on Site 卯酉東海道 ~ Retrospective 53 minutes. Available on Site 大空魔術 ~ Magical Astronomy. Available on Site 鳥船遺跡 〜 Trojan Green… |
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YuYuKo will EaT YoU |
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Fan-Projects |
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