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DATE: Jan 7 - Jan 10 LOCATION: Individual teachers will identify the date more TIME: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM LOCATION: In the KBCC Arts and Science Building. DATE: Jan 15 - Jan 18 LOCATION: Individual teachers will identify the specific date for Wednesday, December 12, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m. Agenda is attached 13 day tour from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City-click above for more info tutoring schedule - please take full advantage of these sessions! Saturday, December 8 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the KBCC Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $18.00 each and are on sale now in Room 113. Students in AP Environmental Science, Biology, Calculus, Statistics, Government and Politics, Psychology, Spanish Language, Literature and Composition can register for these free study sessions scheduled on Saturdays throughout the school year. Saturdays in March and April: 2019 Model City Council participants learn about the government of New York City and what it means to represent its people by tackling real public policy issues. During this unique five-weekend program, the students meet City Council members and learn how the Council operates and pas*es bills. They learn about the functions and processes of legislatures in a democracy and the realities as*ociated with policy making and representation in a city as diverse as New York. Communication skills such as public speaking and argumentation are emphasized. Click link for Application See the attached flyer for three different nights and locations offering an opportunity for free FAFSA completion workshops and for the docu*ents you must bring with you. These events are sponsored by the Brooklyn South Field Support Center in collaboration with Kingsborough Community College. Please register for you FSA ID at fsaid.ed.gov prior to attending one of the workshops. are to read and review the attached docu*ents. 2017-2018 cut off score added to docu*ent - see page 7). See Mr. Ryan B, C or G band in room 222 to reserve your place now for the trip of a lifetime! Spring break in Rome, Pompei, Sorrento, and

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