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How to Photograph the Milky Way – Astrophotography Tutorials, Tools, Gear + Inspiration This is Ian Norman’s live stream preview of the upcoming Luminar 3 RAW editor from Skylum Software astrophotography and talk about how Luminar 3 compares to Adobe Lightroom. Continue reading “Live Review: Astrophotography RAW Editing in Luminar 3” Sony’s new a7III is arguably their most well-rounded camera so far. With a surprisingly high-end set of specifications for the price, it promises to be one of the best values in the full-frame mirrorless market. In this review, we test the a7III astrophotography performance at various dark sky locations around the world. Continue reading “Sony a7III Astrophotography Review” cameras. This mid-range manual-focus lens is the fastest native 15mm lens for Sony E-mount. Let’s put it to the test for We want to meet you! Want to spend a week in Spain with us, Ian Norman and Diana Southern, creators of Lonely Speck? We’ll be back as Masters for the amazing 7-day PhotoPills Camp 2019 from May 26 to June 2 in Menorca, Spain! We’ll eat amazing food, hike to beautiful locales, shoot epic landscape photos and stay up late shooting astrophotography together. Then we’ll do it again, day after day. In this review, I test the new full-frame Pentax K-1 Mark II while shooting astrophotography and landscapes in Alabama Hills, California. The K-1 Mark II features Pentax’s exciting Astrotracer feature for astrophotographers and a Pixel Shift Resolution feature, both features. SMARTPHONE NIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY SHOOTOUT: ZENFONE 4 PRO VS. U11 VS. V30 VS. S8. Let’s try out four of the best smartphones in a low-light shooting battle. We compare urban nightscape photos from the ASUS ZenFone 4 Continue reading “Smartphone Night Photography Shootout: ZenFone 4 Pro vs. U11 vs. V30 vs. S8” We’re happy to announce that, as of today, the SHARPSTAR2 150MM IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER special 150mm filter system to fit on their fixed-lens hoods.

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H3: Live Review: Astrophotography RAW Editing in Luminar 3

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Astrophotography 101: A Lesson Series on Photographing the Milky Way – Lonely Speck


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Astrophotography 101: A Lesson Series on Photographing the Milky Way




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How to Photograph the Milky Way – Lonely Speck


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How to Photograph the Milky Way


Digital Camera with Manual Controls


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How to Pick a Lens for Milky Way Photography – Lonely Speck


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How to Pick a Lens for Milky Way Photography


First Recommendation for Full Frame Cameras:Rokinon 14mm f/2.8 IF ED UMC


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