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mega is doing some changes in their ssl certificates. it seems that they are quitting ssl3 because of the poodle bugs, so it causes if nobody reports connection problems, i will put it in the do*nload page. i am receiving many comments and mails about some issues in megauploader: error uploading files if you get an error saying mega could not generate a file id, it is necessary to restart the upload, then you have to restart the upload and then click on restart. this is a bug in mega that is ocurring too often in the last days (mega, please fix it!!!). there is nothing we can do, except retrying to upload the file :( all files go to the root if you upload a folder, all files will go to the root, instead of maintain the folder structure. this is not implemented yet, but will be in the future. if you upload a file with strange characters (diacritics, etc) you may see this inside mega. you can rename the file again, but it's very annoying. i am developing a new version that fixes it, if you want to try, many people have reported that they get slow speed uploading to mega - both using the browser or by using megauploader. after some tests and traces, i arrived to a conclusion: the cpu is a big bottleneck! information is uploaded to mega in chunks of 1mb (well, technically the firsts chunks are smaller and then they get a size of 1mb). megauploaders creates a thread for each file being uploading. each thread ciphers a chunk (applies an aes cipher) and the creates a parallel task to upload that chunk. meanwhile, it starts to cipher the next chunk. once the next chunk is codified, it waits the upload thread to finish - in this way a queue is avoided, so memory usage is always low. as you can see, there are a lot of threads, and if you with home connections, the bottleneck is the upload process. while the chunk is being uploaded, another thread is ciphering the next chunk. once it is ciphered, it waits until the upload thread is free. in this way the cpu works, and then waits. that's the reason you see cpu

Megauploaderapp Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: MegaUploader for Could be improved
Description: Not set Empty
H1: MegaUploader for MEGA.CO.NZIs it informative enough?
H2: Thursday, December 11, 2014Is it informative enough?
H3: QUICKFIX - New version 0.9 to correct bugIs it informative enough?

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