Micaelamx.com Website Review

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Website Value $25
Alexa Rank 13121968
Monthly Visits 274
Daily Visits 10
Monthly Earnings $1.37
Daily Earnings $0.05
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Country: United States
Metropolitan Area: Huntsville
Postal Reference Code: 35893
Latitude: 34.7304
Longitude: -86.5861

Summarized Content

La bruja verde es un naturalista, un herbolaria, una mujer sabia y una sanadora; ella extrae energía de la tierra y del universo; ella confía en objetos naturales como piedras y gemas para comunicarse con la tierra; ella usa plantas, flores, aceites y hierbas para sanar; ella llama a la naturaleza para orientación; y ella respeta a cada ser vivo, no importa lo pequeño que sea. Abraza el mundo de la bruja verde y descubre lo que el poder de la naturaleza tiene para ti Somos un espacio creativo mágico en donde todas las mujeres tienen voz, rompemos con esquemas, estereotipos y de la mano caminamos con un objetivo acercar la energía de la naturaleza a todos, aprendiendo sobre como amar nuestro cuerpo fusionando inclusión, altruismo y conciencia ecológica fomentando vivir en armonía con nuestro entorno. The green witch is a naturalist, an herbalist, a wise woman, and a healer; she draws energy from the earth and the universe; she relies on natural objects like stones and gems to commune with the land; she uses plants, flowers, oils, and herbs for healing; she calls on nature for guidance; and she respects every living being, no matter how small. Embrace the world of the green witch and discover what the power of nature has in store for you We are a magical creative space where all women have a voice, we break stereotypes and we walk with a goal  bring the energy of nature to everyone, learning about how to love our body  and we promote living in harmony with our environment. Nuestro entorno natural nos ofrece una mirada más profunda de los aromas, texturas, colores y olores, nos permite conocer, reconectar El camino de crear a través de lo que nos ofrece es un  proceso de introspectiva en donde podremos plasmar nuestra esencia a través de Our natural environment offers us a de*per look of , textures, colors and smells, allows us to know, reconnect, transmute and create with its beauty. The path of creating through what it offers us is a process of introspective where we can shape our essence through its

Micaelamx Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Natural dye | Natural color | Workshops | Lingerie and Could be improved
Description: Micaela is a botanical brand producing natural dyer and ecoprint lingerie and clothes pieces and designer textile | Workshops | Supplies for your natural
H1: Escuela NaturalIs it informative enough?
H2: Contáctanos | Contact usIs it informative enough?

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Internal Pages


micaelamx | Carrito


Micaela is a botanical brand producing natural dyer and ecoprint lingerie and clothes pieces and designer textile | Workshops | Supplies for your natural creations


Natural dye | Natural color | Workshops | Lingerie and clothes


Micaela is a botanical brand producing natural dyer and ecoprint lingerie and clothes pieces and designer textile | Workshops | Supplies for your natural creations


Bienvenidos a la Escuela Natural de Micaela Mx


micaelamx | Verbena Botánica


Micaela is a botanical brand producing natural dyer and ecoprint lingerie and clothes pieces and designer textile | Workshops | Supplies for your natural creations


Shop Online | Lingerie & clothes | Natural dye | Embroidery


Micaela is a botanical brand producing natural dyer and ecoprint lingerie and clothes pieces and designer textile | Workshops | Supplies for your natural creatios



All the information about micaelamx.com was collected from publicly available sources

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