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THEIR PROFESSIONAL DAUGHTER TELLS THEIR STORY OF FINDING RELIEF IN A PLANT THEY ONCE DEMONIZED: Baby boomers are consuming more cannabis products than millennial’s – and they’re using it for wellness and thera*eutic options, according to recent reports. In the United States, 76 million baby boomers comprise nearly a quarter of the population, as the U.S. Census Bureau shows. With 10,000 Americans turning 65-years old every day, healthy aging is a huge priority, and wellness products trends ended up finding great relief from much more than a simple extract. “I have witnessed the use of this magical plant change my fathers world. This isn’t a crazy story of how marijuana cured my dads incurable disease, but rather one of seeing a baby boomer come around to accept something he has been scared of his entire life! My parents are organic vegetable fa*mers, primarily garlic, they are good at growing plants and this is their semi-retirement gig. My dad a construction worker and equipment operator most of his life and my mom a controller, we had a “normal” upbringing, alcohol was around but December 10 2016:  M parents were involved in a horrific vehicle accident that basically broke my father into pieces. A vehicle in the opposite lane lost control and slid into the front drivers side of my parents market van. The highway was shut down for hours and they needed the jaws of life to extract my father. My Mom miracu*ously received a minor injury to her knee and was able to walk away, the other driver also walked away with no injuries. My Dad took the entire impact. His injuries: fractured face (jaw, eye sockets, nose, chin), fractured larynx, 11 broken ribs (front and back both sides), broken left elbow, broken left leg in multiple spots, shattered ankle, punctured lung, tear in his aorta …etc … the list goes on and on. He was in the ICU unconscious for over 2 weeks, survived 11 surgeries and was a permanent resident of the hospital for over 4 months. He survived the surgeries, the physiotherapy and being away from home for

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Title: Mike's Medicines – A Canna-Blog By Mike Robinson Could be improved
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H3: What Changed These Baby Boomers Minds About Cannabis?

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About Mike’s Medicines – Mike's Medicines


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Overcoming Meth Addiction With Cannabis: Ana’s Story – Mike's Medicines


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Overcoming Meth Addiction With Cannabis: Ana’s Story


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What Changed These Baby Boomers Minds About Cannabis? – Mike's Medicines


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Mike's Medicines – A Canna-Blog By Mike Robinson


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Save A Life Today – Our Circles of Comp ion – Mike's Medicines



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Save A Life Today – Our Circles of Comp ion


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