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This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms. A very special leader, patriot, statesman and gentlemen that our nation’s Secretary of Defense James Mattis reflects to the core of his character and sacrifice of service to our nation throughout his lifetime. The Secretary of Defense has led stability and peace through the past two years with vision, credibility and respect that is earned… read more The United States territory of Guam stands tall, unafraid, and alone as an island in the second island chain of the Pacific. A seven hour flight to Hawaii and a four hour flight to Japan, Guam has been built with strategic infrastructure to project air, sea, marine, and army In the midst of a big week of power statements from the Department of Defense and the White House, and with strategic an*lysis on the direction the Department of Defense (DOD) is heading, perhaps the biggest statement took place last night off the coast of Hawaii, with the second successful intercept test in the last month and a half of the… read more Captain Jason Brewer entered the U.S. Army in 2008 and had his first as*ignment with Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment U.S. Army Brigade in Colorado Springs, Colorado. In 2017, as the Brigade Missile Defense Operations… read more Lieutenant Colonel Rocco J. Angiolelli is the Chief, Defensive Operations, 603rd Air Operations Center, Ramstein Air Base, Germany. In this capacity, he leads seven Airmen responsible for the real-time monitoring and execution of air and space power missions. His plans, First Lieutenant Benjamin E. Schiff was born in Nephi, UT and grew up in Detroit, MI. In 2008, he enlisted in the United States Army as a 36B, Financial Management Specialist. In 2014, he commissioned as an Air Defense Artillery Officer through the United States Military Academy at West Point. 1LT(P) Schiff’s first as*ignment beginning… read more

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