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sharing of ideas and knowledge to empower people through easier and smarter technology use hello all, i spent a long week in the lab.  working with a future version of vao and it was pretty good.  lots of new functionality. later in the week i also worked in labengine from iland.  it is a hosted lab very much like what i used to work in at vmware.  very hello all, i trust everyone had a very nice holiday season with friends and family?  i did, and most appreciated it. it seems customary now to do the first blog of the year about the previous year.  i decided i am not going to do that but rather share interesting and useful stuff like i … continue reading newsletter: january 5, 2019 → hello all, i hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday week?  some down time and time with your family is very good for us all. this will be a short newsletter today, and very likely the last article of the year. i am working on an article, a hard one, and having trouble hello all, i was in the lab most the week and that was fun.  i hope everyone else had fun this week too!  of course, getting ready for christmas was a bit stressful but i will worry about the wrapping later this weekend.  i want to be done and ready to relax monday. hi all, i am building up a bunch of vms for some testing and i need to put tags on all of them.  i sometimes do that manually when there is one vm but using powercli it is much easier when you have lots of vms.  i have heard that powercli and working with tags … continue hello all, i hope that you had a good week - i did, but it isn't hard when you visit customers and introduce them to a really good bcdr tool like veeam availability orchestrator.  but as it has happened before, this started in one us state, then continued in another, and ended in hello all, a week spent at home again is nice. when i was at vmware and datagravity i was normally able to stay home for the month of december which was very nice, but i am heading out this weekend to visit customers in detroit and i am quite looking forward to it.  a

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About – Notes from MWhite


I am Michael White.    I started out in this industry with professional services at a Canadian partner a very long time ago.  It was a great time and I learned a lot.  I started with VMware products there as well.  I joined VMware in January of 2007 and left in December of 2013.  I…


Certifications / Awards / Things of Importance


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Other Stuff! – Notes from MWhite


You can find a collection of different stuff through here!  Look back at Other Stuff and use the drop down and see what choices you have.  There is Reminders which is a collection of URL links for VMware partners, and vBOG is some very useful technical tidbits, such as what settings in BIOS are best…


Other Stuff!


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Reminders – Notes from MWhite


Below are the links that used to be part of my newsletter in the Reminders section. I was asked to have them here and while it took me a while to figure it out, here they are.  I will do my best to keep the current but if I miss something let me know, or…




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SFlanders vBOG – Notes from MWhite


Some very useful miscellaneous information can be found in Steve Flanders vBOG.  Good bits of info that don't fit many categories.  Power management settings in BIOS, processor settings in BIOS and much more. Update: 11/4/18 - Steve's page is found and the link updated. 11/1/18 - Steve's page is gone.  Not sure if it will…


SFlanders vBOG


3 thoughts on “SFlanders vBOG”


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Pictures – Notes from MWhite


A number of you over the years (yes both newsletter time and blog time) have asked about holiday pictures.  So I will start sticking here the  links to my holiday pictures in Flickr.  At various times I have used iPhone 5s and other kinds of cameras so there will be a difference in quality of…




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