Nxglabs.in Website Review

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Website Value $691
Alexa Rank 979774
Monthly Visits 7674
Daily Visits 256
Monthly Earnings $38.37
Daily Earnings $1.28
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Nxglabs.in Server Location

Country: United States
Metropolitan Area: Houston
Postal Reference Code: 77092
Latitude: 29.8284
Longitude: -95.4696

Summarized Content

INNOVATE. ACT. DELIVER. NXG Labs is a state-of-art technology solution provider. Advancement with innovation and precise implementation is what we highly value at NXG Labs. For years NXG Labs has been solely dedicated to design, development and testing of many impressive and innovative software products. With highest commitment and customer focus we are known to deliver on complex banking solutions, secure android & IOS applications and custom software development. With its head office in Pune, NXG Labs is ideally suited to help you effectively and be your one stop solution provider for all cutting NXG started its journey in 2009 as experts in software development & consultancy services in Pune. NXG’s operations are strategically segmented into corporate products, retail products & software services. NXG’s portfolio ranges from ERP products for big corporate NXG Currently offers its services to over 150 satisfied customers. These services include software product development, mobile application development, staff augmentation and consultancy services. At NXG, we serve our clients from multi-national corporations to NXG specializes in developing complex solutions for banks including payment processing, prepaid card systems, virtual cards, payment NXG provides full range of services for mobile apps development for Android Mobile which covers entire mobile app development cycle. We convert mind concept in actual application which fulfill your desired expectations & provides you NXG Labs develops custom applications as per desired need based on wide range of technology & as*ure you successful implementation of your business solution which will surely add value to your business strategies & make you unique We glad to say, we are master in developing any requirement oriented desktop application, we have rich experience & huge portfolio of our desktop application work which belongs to different sectors such as hospital, edu >  NXG Labs Pvt. Ltd. incorporated some of their own ideas into our > layout, which resulted in a solution that we were happy with.

Nxglabs Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: NXG Labs Pvt Ltd Software Development and Consultancy Services in
Description: NXG labs provides a comprehensive solution to all your software needs. Right from web 2.0 applications to complex security and efficient database applications, we can develop whatever you can
H1: NXGLABS PVT LTDIs it informative enough?
H2: Software Development and Consultancy Services in India
H3: Mobile Application DevelopmentIs it informative enough?

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About US NXG Labs is Software/Solution Design & Development company.


NXG successfully serving his clients all over the globe since 7+ years, providing customized software solutions to various industry & businesse


About Us


About NXG


Custom Application Development - NXG Labs Pvt Ltd


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Custom Application Development




Web Application Development - NXG Labs Pvt Ltd


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Web Application Development




Desktop Application development - NXG Labs Pvt Ltd


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Desktop Application development



All the information about nxglabs.in was collected from publicly available sources

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