Oculusinnovations.co.za Website Review

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Country: South Africa
Metropolitan Area: Parktown North
Postal Reference Code: 2193
Latitude: -26.1821
Longitude: 28.0267

Summarized Content

the manufacturing sector has performed poorly and employment has fallen sharply. policy has tended to push manufacturing onto a more capital-intensive trajectory. paradoxically, south africa’s actual (or ‘revealed’) comparative advantage has come to be in relatively capital-intensive products. in contrast, labour-intensive sub-sectors have performed poorly. in a context of high structural unemployment, industrial policy should focus more on supporting employment-intensive growth by subsidising labour and training rather than capital investment, electricity and infrastructure for capital-intensive firms.. the top 1% of incomes are increasing rapidly even with low economic growth. we use tax data (which include accurate data for the very rich) to investigate the patterns of income growth over the period 2003 to 2016. despite the need for inclusive economic growth in the light of extreme inequality, the top 5% of incomes grew at about 5% per year compared to national income growth of 3.7% per year. this divergence is striking in the post-recession period and appears to be partially. creating jobs, reducing poverty v: is ‘formalising’ the informal sector the answer? this extract from a new redi3x3 book proposes a constructive way to approach the possible ‘formalisation’ of the informal sector. a common impulse is to reduce formalisation to regulating and taxing informal enterprises – two blunt instruments that can be destructive. formalisation must rather be seen as a means to aid the quest for better livelihoods for more people and stronger, more self-standing informal enterprises. smart formalisation can be pursued with a ‘formalisation menu’.. creating jobs, reducing poverty iv: what policy approach to enable the informal sector? this extract from a new redi3x3 book outlines an appropriate and ‘smart’ policy approach to enable enterprises in the informal sector. such policies need to be differentiated and nuanced, recognising that both one-person or multi-person enterprises are

Oculusinnovations Main Page Content

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H3: Why has manufacturing employment declined so rapidly?

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Why has manufacturing employment declined so rapidly? | Econ3x3


Not defined


Why has manufacturing employment declined so rapidly?




Figure 1: Annual average manufacturing growth rates, selected countries, 1992-2014


The top 1% of incomes are increasing rapidly even with low economic growth | Econ3x3


Not defined


The top 1% of incomes are increasing rapidly even with low economic growth




Table 1: Top percentile shares and incomes in 2016


Creating jobs, reducing poverty V: Is ‘formalising’ the informal sector the answer? | Econ3x3


Not defined


Creating jobs, reducing poverty V: Is ‘formalising’ the informal sector the answer?




from HSRC Open Access: 



Creating jobs, reducing poverty IV: What policy approach to enable the informal sector? | Econ3x3


Not defined


Creating jobs, reducing poverty IV: What policy approach to enable the informal sector?




from HSRC Open Access: 



Creating jobs, reducing poverty III: Barriers to entry and growth in the informal sector – and business cycle vulnerabilities | Econ3x3


Not defined


Creating jobs, reducing poverty III: Barriers to entry and growth in the informal sector – and business cycle vulnerabilities




Survivalist and growth oriented tiers?

All the information about oculusinnovations.co.za was collected from publicly available sources

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