Orchestrascanada.org Website Review

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Website Value $852
Alexa Rank 796028
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Monthly Earnings $47.31
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Orchestrascanada.org Server Location

Country: United States
Metropolitan Area: San Francisco
Postal Reference Code: 94114
Latitude: 37.7595
Longitude: -122.4367

Summarized Content

ORCHESTRAS CANADA IS THE UNITED VOICE OF CANADIAN ORCHESTRAS. Orchestras Canada helps orchestras achieve together what they cannot accomplish alone, serving Canadian orchestras in both official languages, through research, knowledge-sharing, convening, and advocacy.. ORCHESTRAS CANADA'S 2019 NATIONAL CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD IN OTTAWA, JUNE 12-14. Together we create a vibrant future that celebrates Canadian communities. Orchestras Canada is the national as*ociation for Canadian orchestras, and we proudly serve and represent groups in every Canadian province, including youth and training orchestras, volunteer-driven and community-based smaller budget orchestras, regional and major We offer workshops, conferences, and on-line exchange to connect orchestras across the country. Through research and an*lysis, we help to contextualize orchestras’ many contributions to their communities. We carefully curate the most current resources on orchestras, management, and leadership, and we host an active on-line job board, to ensure that busy people have easy access to the knowledge they need throughout their careers. We are an effective and persistent advocate for orchestras on the national level. Over 2.5 Million audience members reached by our Members & As*ociates in 2018 More than $195 million in total revenue earned by Members & As*ociates in 2018 Katherine Carleton, C.M., has worked in the music field in Canada for over 30 years, as a clarinetist, teacher, academic administrator, OC’s advocacy, research, conference and workshop planning, and member advice. Sarah Thomson worked for many years in professional and industry as*ociations prior to joining Orchestras Canada as Administrator in 2014. She is an am*teur violinist and has played in a variety of school and community orchestras and ensembles in Ontario. Sarah Nick Walshe is a recent graduate of the Schulich School of Music of McGill University in Clarinet Performance and started working as Orchestras Canada’s Communications and Member Services Coordinator in 2018. Nick is involved with all aspects of communications between

Orchestrascanada Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Orchestras Canada – The United National Voice of Canada's Orchestral
Description: Orchestras Could be improved
H1: Orchestras Canada is the united voice of Canadian orchestras
H2: Our MissionIs it informative enough?
H3: ResearchIs it informative enough?

Other Helpful Websites and Services for Orchestrascanada

Internal Pages


OC Directors 2018-19 – Orchestras Canada


OC Directors 2018-19


OC Directors 2018-19

/about/corporate-do [censorship] ents/:

Corporate Do ents – Orchestras Canada



Corporate Do ents



Corporate Do ents



Orchestras Canada selects VSO Music Director Bramwell Tovey for Betty Webster Award 2018 – Orchestras Canada


Orchestras Canada selects VSO Music Director Bramwell Tovey for Betty Webster Award 2018


Orchestras Canada selects VSO Music Director Bramwell Tovey for Betty Webster Award 2018


Our In-House Team – Orchestras Canada


Our In-House Team


Our In-House Team


Our In-House Team


Get Involved – Orchestras Canada


Get Involved


Get Involved


Get Involved

All the information about orchestrascanada.org was collected from publicly available sources

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