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Blog focusing on my experiments with data visualisation using Tableau Software. Back at the end of March I published my first data viz based on Spotify listening data Well that data was only for Q1 2016, so I thought I'd revisit my numbers at the end of the year. Here's my 25 most listened to Spotify Can you figure out the night I saw Chris Staples and Car Seat Headrest? And below the viz are all the featured tracks in a lovely playlist Tableau Public recently announced the last of the three entry contest for the 2016 Iron Viz if you like mine you can vote by tweeting #MobileIronVizpgilks This contest was a bit different from others because the instruction was not based around a data topic but instead you need to show that design a single dashboard that work on both mobile and desktop - and the data topic is open ended! I found this contest much more of a challenge to get started with than previous contests. One reason was the open ended question of what data set to use - where do I even start and what hasn't been done before? When I enter a contest like this I like to try and do something completely original, but the Tableau Public library is becoming crowded, especially with things like Make Over Monday After much handwringing I decided to go back to an idea that I had ages ago, back in 2013, just after I made this viz about the tallest And that was to do something about the most extreme roller coasters in the world. So I thought I'd revisit this topic, and at the very least if it didn't win it would scratch a long standing itch. I don't have as much time for Tableau Public as I used to and so its nice to use the time for something I have had on the to-do list for a good while. The other tough bit about this was using the Device Designer to make a mobile friendly dashboard as I haven't done that before and needed to get used to the new feature. I learned a few things about it which I'll detail below. Below is the finished design - you might note that its pretty simple, and this is purposeful. I wanted to challenge myself to see if I could

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What's Peter Been Listening To? My first (mis)adventures with scrobbling

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