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our hope is to be winsome, and to befriend and serve all people. our worship is loud because his grace is beyond anything we could dream or imagine. our rhythm is to gather together to worship and scatter to serve. and in a world where the weight is often heavy, we want to lift people, speak life, stand for justice, add value and celebrate the goodness of our god in the best of times and when the road is steep.. pas*ion city church began with a stirring in the hearts of louie and shelley giglio for the local church. born out of the pas*ion movement (a decades-old movement among the collegiate generation), they sought to plant a local community of with a small team of people, that vision took flight in 2008, as small gatherings began in homes throughout atlanta. the desire was to foster a family of believers connected by a common faith, on mission in the city and the world to amplify the name of jesus. and that’s exactly what happened. our first gathering was held on february 15, 2009, in atlanta at the tabernacle. from there, god faithfully provided, as our little tribe met at various locations all over the city of atlanta, until we landed in our first permanent pas*ion city church remains a place where the gospel is central and jesus is always the lead story. we are a jesus church and want to gather in worship and scatter to shine his light and love throughout the city and beyond. we are: for god. for people. for the city. for the world. sign up for email updates louie is the visionary architect and director of the pas*ion movement, comprised of pas*ion conferences, pas*ion city church, pas*ion publishing and sixstepsrecords, and the founder of pas*ion global institute. shelley is the chief strategist, director of label operations and artist management for sixstepsrecords, co-founder of the pas*ion movement, and leads the grove, a gathering for the gi*ls louie and shelley, together founded pas*ion conferences in 1997, uniting college-aged people in events around the globe—most recently

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