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BORDER PATROL RECOVERS BODY OF ILLEGAL ALIEN WHO DROWNED IN CAN*L AFTER ILLEGAL ENTRY.                                      NBC San Diego Reports: Wednesday drowned in a can*l near the U.S.-Mexico border in Calexico, U.S. Customs Border Patrol said Friday. CBP said Border Patrol agents saw the man and two others illegally entered the U.S. about two miles west of the Gran Plaza Outlet around 9 p.m. Wednesday.                                       The two men were quickly caught after swimming across the All-American Can*l, which runs parallel to the Mexico-California border. The victim, however, was struggling to stay afloat in the can*l. Agents were not able to reach the man before he drowned, according to the CBP. Border Patrol Search Trauma and Rescue (BORSTAR) were called and quickly arrived on the scene to recover the man's body but had to call the operation off because of heavy rain and low visibility.                                 Looks like nature has played a roll in protecting the United States from an illegal alien invader, as Border Patrol has recovered the drowned body of an illegal alien in the All-American Can*l in California after illegally entering the United States. Democrats may complain about the recovery of an illegal aliens body being recovered in this can*l in California, but this could of very well of been prevented if Democrats would quit obstructing the wall and Trump's immigration policies. All blame for this death of an illegal alien is on the shoulders of Democrats, because the American Left openly supports illegal aliens and their illegal entries into the United States...And will this can*l now be called racist. Good job All American Can*l, as the can*l has now                                   Zerohedge.com Reports: testimony on Capitol Hill on Friday, incoming House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler confirmed to reporters what many had already suspected:

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Border Patrol recovers body of illegal alien who drowned in c after illegal entry - Puppet String news



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Border Patrol recovers body of illegal alien who drowned in c after illegal entry



Incoming House Judiciary Chair Democrat Nadler promises to end DOJ/FBI bias probe - Puppet String news


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Incoming House Judiciary Chair Democrat Nadler promises to end DOJ/FBI bias probe


Clinton whistleblowers now involve Clinton Foundation CFO becoming an informant - Puppet String news


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Clinton whistleblowers now involve Clinton Foundation CFO becoming an informant


The UN claims Trump's asylum ban violates International Law - Puppet String news


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The UN claims Trump's asylum ban violates International Law


General Dunford calls out Google for operations with China - Puppet String news


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General Dunford calls out Google for operations with China

All the information about puppetstringnews.com was collected from publicly available sources

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