Pureeggsspam.wordpress.com Website Review

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this is a shop quality stunning free for all gift from ison, you will find it near the lm and all you need to do is click and buy for zero both of the shades are stunning and the mesh is finished to a shop quality finish but my picture just isn’t the best.  because of the way the living room is lit i was struggling to a nice even light to show off the dress and my face to their best and failed so i edit the one of my new years resolution is to make myself a fancy dressing room that i can rezz and use as a simple backdrop rather than either the plain curtains i resort to or having to edit a picture and detract somewhat from the details until then take my word for it this is a i forgot to a poinsettia for my dad, my dad is a christmas grinch so every year i foist a bit of christmas spirit on him usually in the form of a poinsettia and yes every year he grumbles.  i didn’t forget to get him a decor item it’s just the plant i chose isn’t doing so well so i was going to sneak a poinsettia in and run off before he could grumble even more at having 2 christmas deccies join the teleporthub group, only 10lds, and then tp over to noble creations to grab your own inworld poinsettia’s.  you get 2 versions and each is only 2 prims and i shrunk one of them just to see if i can and i could and it does look like i can rip them apart if i ps. the noble creation is still a free group and on the reception desk you will find a very festive turkey plus some wearables and decor items.  i have previously blogged them and da*n they’re good. this is how i spend my christmas,  i’m lucky in that my oh does all the cooking and our guests are the sort who like to keep their visits short and sweet, so i get the luxury of doing very little over the actual christmas period apart for a lot of stuffing my face and a little bit of crafting which includes, basic, quilt making. i would aspire to make one as well crafted as and it comes with a hud of some great textures for the outer and inner layers.  this also comes with a wearable mug which has it’s own knitted cover just so lovely. 

Pureeggsspam Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Pure Eggs & Spam – Owned by Faithless Could be improved
Description: Owned by Faithless Could be improved
H1: Pure Eggs & SpamIs it informative enough?
H2: Stunning Red, Glorious Gold.(Freebie).Is it informative enough?
H3: Who wrote itIs it informative enough?

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About Pure Eggs & Spam – Pure Eggs & Spam


The Pure group has been around in Second Life since 2007. We regulary send out group notices about fabulous stuff we find around the grid, interesting places etc..then...we decided to go LARGE and have our own blog!! We hope its going to be more informative, more interesting than notices...we're excited about it...we want YOU to…


About Pure Eggs & Spam


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Contact Us – Pure Eggs & Spam


If you need to reach any of the bloggers please drop us a notecard inworld. If you have any suggestions for things youd like to see blogged by us - let us know!


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Review Policy – Pure Eggs & Spam


    Our blog : https://pureeggsspam.wordpress.com  Our Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/pureeggsspam/pool/                       ♂♀   Our bloggers  ♂♀ Faithless Babii (female fashion &  homewares) Zan Beck             (female fashion) If you'd like us to review your items please feel free to contact one of the above, a price & landmark is always very appreciated ! A lot of designers have started up their…


Review Policy


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The Blogging Team – Pure Eggs & Spam


Welcome to the bit where we let you know *who* we are and what we love about Second Life ! Our blogging team consists of myself (Faithless Babii) & Zan Beck Faithless Babii So because I am (allegedly) The Boss and all-around-badguy...I will go first.  I joined SecondLife in January 2007...and loved it straight away...but was most…


The Blogging Team


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Blogging SL – Pure Eggs & Spam


Posts about Blogging SL written by zanbeck and faithlessbabii


Category: Blogging SL


Stunning Red, Glorious Gold.(Freebie).


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All the information about pureeggsspam.wordpress.com was collected from publicly available sources

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