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Summarized Content

get-together, once dinner is over and we begin to appreciate the scale of the impending cleanup, I’m always relieved to be given a clear job to do: collect all the wine glas*es, wipe down the table, corral the recyclables. Even scrubbing a stubborn roasting pan is a welcome as*ignment, at least partly because it relieves you from the alternative, which is to sit there feeling unhelpful while your host does everything. But even aside from that, there’s a certain pleasure to be found in the doing Yet in other contexts, similarly basic tasks can seem annoying and unpleasant. Sometimes, out of protest, I leave a stack of stray books on the bottom stair for three days, or a basket of laundered socks unfolded until my sock drawer runs low. Why not take the same pleasure in those little jobs? It’s all context I suppose—if life’s menial tasks could somehow all be part of a dinner party cleanup effort, every day would be a chain of small pleasures. The habit of taking even mild pleasure in such tasks would be life-changing, because most of what we do during a typical day isn’t done for enjoyment’s sake: laundry, exercise, office work, dishes, dusting. We do these things because they make life better in some less How we spend our days is how we spend our lives, as the adage goes, and that means the majority of our lives are spent doing not-especially-enjoyable maintenance work (cleaning, earning, fixing, organizing) in order to support  the especially-enjoyable stuff (leisure time, meals, get-togethers, creative endeavors and personal projects) we do with the remaining minority of our time. We all want to enjoy life, and not just a fraction of it. But if you Google “How to enjoy life,” most of the images you’ll see are symbols of those exceptional, peak-enjoyment activities: hammocks, beaches, candlelit dinners, and scenic hikes. Clearly the vision we have of enjoying life has nothing to do with the way we actually spend most of it: doing necessary but unremarkable

Raptitude Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Raptitude.com – Getting Better at Being Could be improved
Description: A street-level look at being Could be improved
H1: Raptitude.comIs it informative enough?
H2: How to Enjoy LifeIs it informative enough?
H3: Essential RaptitudeIs it informative enough?

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About Raptitude


What is Raptitude? Raptitude is a blog about getting better at being human. We never think of “being human” as something you can get better at, but it is, and your skill level is the biggest determining factor in how […]




What is Raptitude?




Questions, comments, praise, suggestions? Send them along. I write Raptitude to help people improve their life skills, so if there’s anything you think I can help you with, please drop me a line. I get a lot of email but I […]






Essential to Raptitude is the idea of experimentation. Concepts and insights can be useful and encouraging, but it is the application of those ideas that effect big improvements in one’s life. It can be very revealing (and fun) to try on a new habit or technique for a week or two (or four), and observe the results.




Essential Raptitude


How to Enjoy Life


I don’t know about you, but whenever I’m a guest at a holiday get-together, once dinner is over and we begin to appreciate the scale of the impending cleanup, I’m always relieved to be given a clear job to do: […]




Essential Raptitude


The Simple Joy of “No Phones Allowed”


A few nights ago I saw Jack White in concert. It was a wonderful night, and a big part of that was due to a new rule he has imposed on all his tour dates: no phones. When you arrive, […]




Essential Raptitude

All the information about raptitude.com was collected from publicly available sources

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