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Country: Russia
Metropolitan Area: Moscow
Postal Reference Code: 129128
Latitude: 55.7527
Longitude: 37.6172

Summarized Content

Enter the desired domain name, for example, ivan-petrov or delivery. As a result of the reorganization, Reggae Business Ltd. was joined to Registrar P01 LLC (PSRN 1177746261912, TIN 7728365391) on April 25, 2018 (GRN 918774701555546). In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of Art. 58 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, all rights and obligations of LLC were transferred to LLC P01 Registrar In connection with the above operation, personal data is not available on the website; access data for the personal account on the website 74, Leningradsky Prospect, Moscow, building 4 You need to register with us on the site, after which you can choose and order any free domain name in more than 50 domain zones! Learn more about how to register a domain. HOW TO THINK A GOOD DOMAIN NAME? Everyone who chooses a domain name should know a few simple rules ... Details about choosing a domain Since November 11, 2010, registration of Cyrillic domains of the Russian Federation has begun for everyone. Such Russian-language domains are much more convenient for typing in the address bar - no need to switch the layout. You can register the RF domain right now. Surprisingly, we get from clients such opposite

Reggi Main Page Content

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Title: Reggi.Ru - official domain registration. Domain registrar RU, RF, COM.
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H2: How to register a domain? Is it informative enough?

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