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. THESE CONDITIONS MUST BE FULFILLED FOR AN ACTIVATION AND TRANSFER AGGREGATION - AVG. Those who are threatened by unemployment, unemployed or unsuccessful in search of a new job can be interested in a so-called activation and placement voucher. The placement voucher issued by the Employment Agency enables the applicant to take advantage of measures to (re-) enter the labor market, free of charge. With the coupon, e.g. private recruiting agencies become active for you and help you find a new job. In this article, you will find out which prerequisites you need to meet and which measures are being financed. JOBSEEURE AT FAIRS - CONVINCE POTENTIAL EMPLOYERS DIRECTLY ON-SITE. Job and trade fairs are a great way to get in direct contact with potential employers. Companies usually use job fairs to get in touch with graduate students for apprenticeships or students who come directly from the university. Depending on the trade fair, the focus is also on workers who have many years of professional experience and continue to develop in their area or want to realize in a new area. Making the first contact at a trade show is beneficial for both sides ?? Both can get a first impression of the opposite without a long application process. To meet interesting local employer and to leave a positive first impression on you, it requires a good advance in times of increasing skills shortages, it is becoming increasingly difficult to fill key positions good for business. Traditional job postings via job portals or the company's own website rarely lead to success in some industries. More and more companies rely on so-called headhunters to find well-trained specialists and executives. But how does such a

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Title: Recruiter Jobs + Jobs, Employment Agency Could be improved
Description: Find daily jobs in recruitment job market and job offers of employment agency Could be improved
H1: Recruiter Job Market: 477.476 Jobs & Jobs Is it informative enough?
H2: New Jobs Is it informative enough?
H3: These are the prerequisites for an Activation and Recruitment job placement voucher - AVG - meet

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