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Website Value | $6766 |
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Monthly Visits | 75173 |
Daily Visits | 2506 |
Monthly Earnings | $375.87 |
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Title: | RiverheadLOCAL – Riverhead news, events, crime, schools, | Could be improved |
Description: | Riverhead's top source for breaking news, local government coverage, business, school, police and fire news and | ![]() |
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H3: | FRNCA wins $50,000 environmental justice grant for Riverside park | ![]() |
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/obituaries/: | |
Title |
Obituaries | RiverheadLOCAL |
Description |
Riverhead obituaries, death notices, funeral arrangements and wakes. |
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Obituaries |
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FRNCA wins $50,000 environmental justice grant for Riverside park Can L.I., the 10th most-segregated region of the U.S., overcome its own past? Longtime Riverhead Middle School principal resigns for new post in Amityville U.S. Post Office, stock markets, federal government to close Wednesday to mourn p ing President George H.W. Bush Riverhead Town seeks volunteers for new environmental advisory committee ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c09fdef155c5,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c09fdef155c5)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 112; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: Supervisor Walter announces Riverhead Townu2019s S.T.O.P. Day and u2018Drive-Through Drug Take-Backu2019 to take place this weekend, Saturday, May 16 May is Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month LaValle requests nominations for the 2015 NYS Senate Veteranu0092s Hall Of Fame Sean Walter: ‘State of the Town 2015’ SUNY Board of Trustees approves Southampton Hospital-SUNY Stony Brook Affiliation ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c09fdef155c5,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c09fdef155c5)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 105; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: FRNCA wins $50,000 environmental justice grant for Riverside park Can L.I., the 10th most-segregated region of the U.S., overcome its own past? Longtime Riverhead Middle School principal resigns for new post in Amityville U.S. Post Office, stock markets, federal government to close Wednesday to mourn p ing President George H.W. Bush Board members at odds over supporting preservation of West Main Street property ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c09fdef155c5,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c09fdef155c5)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 108; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: Notice to Bidders: Qualified Municipal Advisor Wading River Fire Department workshop Board of Education special meeting April 22 Notice of school board meeting – April 14 Public Hearing: to consider a proposed local law for the addition of Chapter 113 entitled “Hunting” ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c09fdef155c5,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c09fdef155c5)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 104; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: Riverhead Town seeks volunteers for new environmental advisory committee Dear town board: It’s your duty to adopt a budget and manage the town’s finances Board members at odds over supporting preservation of West Main Street property Volunteers ‘very frustrated’ by town board’s inaction on land preservation recommendations Police chief to take on oversight of town garage, as split board decides to remove duties from highway superintendent ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c09fdef155c5,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); FRNCA wins $50,000 environmental justice grant for Riverside park [censored]
/public-notices/: | |
Title |
Public Notices | RiverheadLOCAL |
Description |
Public notices for the Town of Riverhead. The latest public hearings, meeting announcements, bids, code adoptions, and more. |
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RiverheadLOCAL |
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Public Notices |
H3 |
Can L.I., the 10th most-segregated region of the U.S., overcome its own past? Longtime Riverhead Middle School principal resigns for new post in Amityville U.S. Post Office, stock markets, federal government to close Wednesday to mourn p ing President George H.W. Bush Riverhead Town seeks volunteers for new environmental advisory committee Dear town board: It’s your duty to adopt a budget and manage the town’s finances ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c0987fc02059,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c0987fc02059)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 112; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: Supervisor Walter announces Riverhead Townu2019s S.T.O.P. Day and u2018Drive-Through Drug Take-Backu2019 to take place this weekend, Saturday, May 16 May is Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month LaValle requests nominations for the 2015 NYS Senate Veteranu0092s Hall Of Fame Sean Walter: ‘State of the Town 2015’ SUNY Board of Trustees approves Southampton Hospital-SUNY Stony Brook Affiliation ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c0987fc02059,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c0987fc02059)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 105; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: Can L.I., the 10th most-segregated region of the U.S., overcome its own past? Longtime Riverhead Middle School principal resigns for new post in Amityville U.S. Post Office, stock markets, federal government to close Wednesday to mourn p ing President George H.W. Bush Board members at odds over supporting preservation of West Main Street property East End officials to FAA: Hold a public hearing on north shore helicopter route ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c0987fc02059,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c0987fc02059)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 108; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: Notice to Bidders: Qualified Municipal Advisor Wading River Fire Department workshop Board of Education special meeting April 22 Notice of school board meeting – April 14 Public Hearing: to consider a proposed local law for the addition of Chapter 113 entitled “Hunting” ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c0987fc02059,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c0987fc02059)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 104; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: Riverhead Town seeks volunteers for new environmental advisory committee Dear town board: It’s your duty to adopt a budget and manage the town’s finances Board members at odds over supporting preservation of West Main Street property Volunteers ‘very frustrated’ by town board’s inaction on land preservation recommendations Police chief to take on oversight of town garage, as split board decides to remove duties from highway superintendent ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c0987fc02059,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); Can L.I., the 10th most-segregated region of the U.S., overcome its own past? [censored]
/2018/12/06/frnca-wins-50000-environmental-justice-grant-for-riverside-park/: | |
Title |
FRNCA wins $50,000 environmental justice grant for Riverside park | RiverheadLOCAL |
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FRNCA wins $50,000 environmental justice grant for Riverside park |
H3 |
FRNCA wins $50,000 environmental justice grant for Riverside park Can L.I., the 10th most-segregated region of the U.S., overcome its own past? Longtime Riverhead Middle School principal resigns for new post in Amityville U.S. Post Office, stock markets, federal government to close Wednesday to mourn p ing President George H.W. Bush Riverhead Town seeks volunteers for new environmental advisory committee ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c0a015893907,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c0a015893907)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 112; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: Supervisor Walter announces Riverhead Townu2019s S.T.O.P. Day and u2018Drive-Through Drug Take-Backu2019 to take place this weekend, Saturday, May 16 May is Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month LaValle requests nominations for the 2015 NYS Senate Veteranu0092s Hall Of Fame Sean Walter: ‘State of the Town 2015’ SUNY Board of Trustees approves Southampton Hospital-SUNY Stony Brook Affiliation ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c0a015893907,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c0a015893907)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 105; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: FRNCA wins $50,000 environmental justice grant for Riverside park Can L.I., the 10th most-segregated region of the U.S., overcome its own past? Longtime Riverhead Middle School principal resigns for new post in Amityville U.S. Post Office, stock markets, federal government to close Wednesday to mourn p ing President George H.W. Bush Board members at odds over supporting preservation of West Main Street property ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c0a015893907,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c0a015893907)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 108; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: Notice to Bidders: Qualified Municipal Advisor Wading River Fire Department workshop Board of Education special meeting April 22 Notice of school board meeting – April 14 Public Hearing: to consider a proposed local law for the addition of Chapter 113 entitled “Hunting” ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c0a015893907,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c0a015893907)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 104; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: Riverhead Town seeks volunteers for new environmental advisory committee Dear town board: It’s your duty to adopt a budget and manage the town’s finances Board members at odds over supporting preservation of West Main Street property Volunteers ‘very frustrated’ by town board’s inaction on land preservation recommendations Police chief to take on oversight of town garage, as split board decides to remove duties from highway superintendent ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c0a015893907,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); FRNCA wins $50,000 environmental justice grant for Riverside park [censored]
/2018/12/05/can-l-i-the-10th-most-segregated-region-of-the-u-s-overcome-its-own-past/: | |
Title |
Can L.I., the 10th most-segregated region of the U.S., overcome its own past? | RiverheadLOCAL |
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Not defined |
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Can L.I., the 10th most-segregated region of the U.S., overcome its own past? |
H3 |
FRNCA wins $50,000 environmental justice grant for Riverside park Can L.I., the 10th most-segregated region of the U.S., overcome its own past? Longtime Riverhead Middle School principal resigns for new post in Amityville U.S. Post Office, stock markets, federal government to close Wednesday to mourn p ing President George H.W. Bush Riverhead Town seeks volunteers for new environmental advisory committee ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c09f73b4e13d,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c09f73b4e13d)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 112; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: Supervisor Walter announces Riverhead Townu2019s S.T.O.P. Day and u2018Drive-Through Drug Take-Backu2019 to take place this weekend, Saturday, May 16 May is Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month LaValle requests nominations for the 2015 NYS Senate Veteranu0092s Hall Of Fame Sean Walter: ‘State of the Town 2015’ SUNY Board of Trustees approves Southampton Hospital-SUNY Stony Brook Affiliation ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c09f73b4e13d,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c09f73b4e13d)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 105; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: FRNCA wins $50,000 environmental justice grant for Riverside park Can L.I., the 10th most-segregated region of the U.S., overcome its own past? Longtime Riverhead Middle School principal resigns for new post in Amityville U.S. Post Office, stock markets, federal government to close Wednesday to mourn p ing President George H.W. Bush Board members at odds over supporting preservation of West Main Street property ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c09f73b4e13d,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c09f73b4e13d)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 108; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: Notice to Bidders: Qualified Municipal Advisor Wading River Fire Department workshop Board of Education special meeting April 22 Notice of school board meeting – April 14 Public Hearing: to consider a proposed local law for the addition of Chapter 113 entitled “Hunting” ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c09f73b4e13d,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c09f73b4e13d)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 104; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: Riverhead Town seeks volunteers for new environmental advisory committee Dear town board: It’s your duty to adopt a budget and manage the town’s finances Board members at odds over supporting preservation of West Main Street property Volunteers ‘very frustrated’ by town board’s inaction on land preservation recommendations Police chief to take on oversight of town garage, as split board decides to remove duties from highway superintendent ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c09f73b4e13d,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); FRNCA wins $50,000 environmental justice grant for Riverside park [censored]
/2018/12/05/longtime-riverhead-middle-school-principal-resigns-for-new-post-in-amityville/: | |
Title |
Longtime Riverhead Middle School principal resigns for new post in Amityville | RiverheadLOCAL |
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Not defined |
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Longtime Riverhead Middle School principal resigns for new post in Amityville |
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FRNCA wins $50,000 environmental justice grant for Riverside park Can L.I., the 10th most-segregated region of the U.S., overcome its own past? Longtime Riverhead Middle School principal resigns for new post in Amityville U.S. Post Office, stock markets, federal government to close Wednesday to mourn p ing President George H.W. Bush Riverhead Town seeks volunteers for new environmental advisory committee ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c0a003cc7bae,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c0a003cc7bae)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 112; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: Supervisor Walter announces Riverhead Townu2019s S.T.O.P. Day and u2018Drive-Through Drug Take-Backu2019 to take place this weekend, Saturday, May 16 May is Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month LaValle requests nominations for the 2015 NYS Senate Veteranu0092s Hall Of Fame Sean Walter: ‘State of the Town 2015’ SUNY Board of Trustees approves Southampton Hospital-SUNY Stony Brook Affiliation ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c0a003cc7bae,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c0a003cc7bae)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 105; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: FRNCA wins $50,000 environmental justice grant for Riverside park Can L.I., the 10th most-segregated region of the U.S., overcome its own past? Longtime Riverhead Middle School principal resigns for new post in Amityville U.S. Post Office, stock markets, federal government to close Wednesday to mourn p ing President George H.W. Bush Board members at odds over supporting preservation of West Main Street property ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c0a003cc7bae,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c0a003cc7bae)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 108; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: Notice to Bidders: Qualified Municipal Advisor Wading River Fire Department workshop Board of Education special meeting April 22 Notice of school board meeting – April 14 Public Hearing: to consider a proposed local law for the addition of Chapter 113 entitled “Hunting” ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c0a003cc7bae,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); tmpObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(block_td_uid_1_5c0a003cc7bae)); tmpObj.is_ajax_running = true; tmpObj.td_current_page = 1; tmpObj.td_filter_value = 104; var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(tmpObj); tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, JSON.stringify({td_data: Riverhead Town seeks volunteers for new environmental advisory committee Dear town board: It’s your duty to adopt a budget and manage the town’s finances Board members at odds over supporting preservation of West Main Street property Volunteers ‘very frustrated’ by town board’s inaction on land preservation recommendations Police chief to take on oversight of town garage, as split board decides to remove duties from highway superintendent ,td_block_id:td_uid_1_5c0a003cc7bae,td_hide_prev:true,td_hide_next:false})); FRNCA wins $50,000 environmental justice grant for Riverside park [censored]
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