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Title: Robin LaCicero Photography Could be improved
Description: I grew up Brooklyn NY and from there I have moved around quite a bit in my life... Got married had 4 kids got a divorce got a and then my life had begun A Minolta camera a few lens and I was in love with photography A good few 5000 family photos that I took thru the younger years of my boy .. Quickly found myself focusing my camera less n less on my family n shooting photos of nature or the scenic views we were visiting with them in it of course When I moved to Pa and asked my friends Joe, Wes,and Dan what are u shooting they said Eagles ..My life as a wildlife and landscape photographer began ....in 2005 I asked 50 million questions of these men as to how to get that shot or What is ISO ..I did not know how to use my computer back then You and googl was not the go to tool then but it is now I travel all over to get the best shot I can. While respespecting to the wildlife .. Sometimes you have to get up at 4am or earlier to look for the perfect sunrise,golden hour or waterfall or little critters that roam around early in the twilight I love to teach photoography how to help uyou gett the best photou can with the knowledge I have learned and Photoshop n Lightroom as well to help my students achieve how to get the best shot a prize photo to hang up in there home. What I have learned in more than 12 years of photography to go to the perfect location learn your camera settings, lighting the right time to get out n get clicking and help everyone get that perfect shot that is my p Life is and adventure get out n snap but if u need help learning how to get better photos would love to to start it up Please check me out on Facebook too Robin LaCicero Photography Thanks for stopping n enjoy shopping All my photos can be purchased n can grace the walls of any home or office I am an award winning photographer i was featured in Pike County tourism with my photos and also won a prize in the Warwick NY telephone Company phone book for 2016-2017
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