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Ja*aScript is not enabled You must have Ja*aScript enabled on your web browser to fully interact Are your employees a security risk? 79% of security officers cite the human factor as the root cause of information security failures (Deloitte and Touche Global Security Survey). Challenges for security awareness training Busy schedules, infrequent training, information overload make it hard for employees to learn the security information they need. Security Mentor's web-based security awareness training is designed for the way people learn and work. Your employees can be your greatest security as*et Security Mentor training enables your employees to be: Security Mentor provides innovative, online security awareness training designed for how people learn and work: Brief.  Ten-minute lessons fit busy work schedules. Frequent.  Monthly training keeps security top of mind. Focused.  Single-topic lessons are easy to learn and remember. A great training model alone is not enough, training must engage and Security Mentor delivers. Security Mentor's rich media, Flash-based lessons capture interest. Instructionally designed, interactive content promotes learning by doing. And real-world scenarios, current security content and compelling games make training memorable and Security Mentor training is available as a service from Security Mentor's website or as SCORM-compliant lessons hosted on your internal, corporate Learning Management System (LMS). Either way, lesson progress and completion is tracked and reported. See for See a demo of our security awareness lessons and management interface. Take a look at the courses in our security awareness program offerings. See how our PhishDefense phishing simulation service will help your employees become phish resistant. © 2008-2018 Security Mentor, Inc. Security Mentor and the Security Mentor mark are trademarks or servicemarks of Security Mentor, Inc. All other content and graphics are copyrighted by Security Mentor,

Securitymentor Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Security Awareness Training | Security Could be improved
Description: Security Mentor provides innovative, security awareness training that is brief, frequent and focused. Engaging, interactive, rich media lessons are as memorable as they are
H1: News and Press ReleasesIs it informative enough?

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Video Introduction to Security Mentor's Security Awareness Training | Security Mentor


Watch an introductory video demo of Security Mentor's web-based security awareness training. See why our brief, interactive, rich media lessons are as effective as they are engaging.


Video Introduction to Security Mentor® Security Awareness Training


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Request a Security Awareness Training Demo | Security Mentor


Register to see a demo of Security Mentor's online security awareness training that is brief, frequent, and focused. Engaging, interactive, rich media lessons are as memorable as they are effective.


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Security Awareness Training Programs | Security Mentor


Train employees on critical security awareness topics quickly, economically and effectively. Choose one of our three security awareness training programs designed to meet your needs.


Security Awareness Training Programs


Security Mentor CORE Training

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