Sp1kopernik.pl Website Review

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Summarized Content

please do not pay in December for lunches for the month of January due to the end of the calendar year and accounting settlements. until 21/12/2018 the authorizing officer is on sacking. all persons who have not yet paid for meals or meals are obliged on December 20, clas* 1a invited their parents to a Christmas Eve meeting. the students in a short verbal-musical installation told about Christmas customs and traditions. children also invited their parents to sing a carol together. it was a nice time that put everyone in a festive mood. read more: Christmas meeting of clas* 1a. St. Nicholas volleyball tournament for the cup of the headmaster of primary school No. 1 in Minsk Mazowiecki. Over seventy athletes from fourte*n to eighte*n years old have been struggling for the director's cup. in addition to the hosts from the sports clas* of the third grammar school functioning at level 1, teams from the school No. 1 team entered the competition. Casimir the Great in Mińsk Mazowiecki, Uks Dębina Nieporet, the team of economical schools in Minsk Mazowiecki and UKS victoria Solec nad Vavrana - two warehouses. read more: St. Nicholas volleyball tournament for the school cup. our players have won very high places at the level of the city, poviat, region and province. and so: the management of the primary school No. 1 in Mazowiecko on behalf of the organizers cordially invites students of primary schools of the Mazovia Province, whose patron is a great scholar - Mikołaj Copernicus, to participate in the 8th edition of provincial competitions devoted to the life and work of Santa's Copernicus. We hope that once again we will be able to encourage all those under our charge to compete. Information about all contests is on the menu Copernicus competitions. Christmas. the workshops were run by ebu volunteers. read more: magic of christmas !. meeting with the writer Grazyna Bekevich - a summary of the project I read because I like it.

Sp1kopernik Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: News Could be improved
Description: SP Copernicus Could be improved
H1: Visit our school Is it informative enough?
H2: Christmas meeting class 1a Is it informative enough?
H3: Our mission Is it informative enough?

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Santa Claus Volleyball Tournament for the Cup of Director of Primary School No. 1 in Mińsk Mazowiecki


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