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Longitude: -118.2607

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- Select a Manufacturer - 3M (ERGO)ABBY FineReaderAbili (AAC)AbleNet (AAC)Acoustic Magic (MICROPHONE)ActiVocalaeris (SEATING)AES (LEARNING)Aftershokz (Headphones)Airopedic (SEATING)AiSquared (VISION)ALDS (Hear)Allseating (ERGO)AMDi (AAC)AMER Mounts (ERGO)American Thermoform (VISION)AmTryke Adaptive TricyclesAndrea ElectronicsAPHATEC (AAC)Attainment Company (AAC)AudioEyeAumed (VISION)Bakker Elkhuizen (ERGO)Bambach (ERGO)Beamz (Music)BigGrips (CASES)BigKeys (AAC)Eyegaze (AAC)BJLIVE! (AAC)Break Boundaries ECUBrewer SeatingBuddy Microphones (SPEECH)Carson OplicalCasa Futura Technologies (PHONE)Chattervox (SPEECH)Chester Creek Technologies (AAC)Chief (ERGO)Clarity Phones (PHONE)CleanKeys (ERGO)Clearly Superior Technologies (ERGO)Clevy (KIDS)ClickToGo (AAC)ComforTek (CHAIRS)ConSet (DESKS)Contour Design (ERGO)Cooper-Rand (SPEECH)Desk2StandDigiMemo (EDUCATION)Dolphin (VISION)Dragon Naturally Speaking by NuanceDSI (ERGO)Duxbury Systems (VISION)EA Ergonomics (ERGO)Enabling Devices (AAC)Enabling Technologies (VISION)Enhanced Vision (VISION)ErgoCentric (ERGO)ErgoDesk (ERGO)ErgoDynamics (ERGO)ErgoMat (ERGO)ErgoPrise (ERGO)ErgoQuest (ERGO)ErgoRest (ERGO)ErgoTech (ERGO)Ergotron-Anthro (ERGO)ErgoUP (ERGO)Eschenbach (VISION)Evoluent (ERGO)Executive Products Inc. (VISION)FC-PHONESFellows ErgonomicsFlexiSpot (ERGO)Fox-Bay (ERGO)Freedom Scientific (VISION)Glas*Ouse As*istive DevicesGoldtouch (ERGO)GOOD-LITEGoogleGriffin Speech Laboratories (SPEECH)GripCase (EDUCATION)Gumdrop CasesHandshoe Mouse (ERGO)Handy Tech (VISION)Hartgen Consultanacy (VISION)HE MouseHealth by Design (ERGO)HIMS (VISION)HoverCam (VISION)Human Touch (ERGO)Humanscale (ERGO)Humanware (VISION)IDRT (HEAR)IMG (AAC)Inclusive TLC (AAC)InduKey (ERGO)Info Grip (AAC)Innovative Work Spaces (ERGO)Invotek (AAC)ITEX (VISION)Jobri (ERGO)Joy Factory (EDUCATION)Kantek Inc.Kelly Ergonomics (ERGO)Kensington (ERGO)Keys-U-See (VISION)Kinesis (ERGO)Kore Stool Chairs (ERGO)Krown Hearing (HEAR)Kurzweil EducationLevo BookholderLiteGate (Rehab)Livescribe (EDUCATION)LocknCharge

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Title: Special Needs Computers, Workplace Ergonomics & Assistive Could be improved
Description: Special Needs Computers - workplace ergonomics & assistive devices in Could be improved
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