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Spire delivers not only data but also expertise on achieving regional market growth. Spire's research footprint spans across 110 cities in all major global emerging markets. China contributed 15 per cent of global Esports revenue in 2017. Spire's country offices work closely with each other to provide research customized to your needs. Rooted in global emerging markets, Spire enables its clients to overcome the limitations of traditional, “cookie-cutter” market Spire provides market research-based consulting across major industries. We serve global Fortune 1000 firms, governments and other Spire’s research has been published by international governmental agencies and industry as*ociations. 1 May 2018 Spire Singapore hosted its first Client Entertainment Night of the year. Clients, business as*ociates and partners joined the Humankind’s future ability to feed itself is in jeopardy due to the concurrent degradation of land, water, climate and biodiversity on a. CHINA’S NEW SILK ROAD INITIATIVE – AN INTEGRATED TRADE STRATEGY FOR THE 21ST CENTURY? The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), announced in 2013, is not only China’s most ambitious global infrastructure project but also one of The Philippines is emerging as one of Asia’s most dynamic economies, with a forecasted growth rate of 6.9 per cent in 2018 driven by 2 – 8 April 2018China Daily – Asia Weekly China’s measured reaction to US trade tariffs The recent US trade tariff announcement High school students gain insights on tomorrow’s career opportunities.view Spire is a proud supporter of our CSR partner, the Singapore Children’s Society, for the eighth consecutive year.view China’s middle clas* made143 million international tourist trips in 2017.view Copyright © 2018 Spire Research and Consulting Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2018 Spire Research and Consulting Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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Title: Asia Business Development - Asia Business Consulting | Spire Research and Consulting - The leading strategic market intelligence
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Asia Business Development - Asia Business Consulting | Spire Research and Consulting - The leading strategic market intelligence consultancy


Spire Research and Consulting is the leading research consultancy in global emerging markets.


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