Splinedynamics.com Website Review

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Summarized Content

shape manually, trying to achieve a general uniform vertex distribution along the splines. the goal of this plugin is to get an even segmentation of the splines while preserving all the original vertices and shape intact. since this tool was ment to use at a final stage of the curves edition, it works better when provided with clean shapes, without overlapping vertices or other problematic issues, that may cause undesired results. the plugin can operate on multiple shapes simultaneosly, fast and efficiently. it takes only a few seconds to process hundreds of bottom of the plugin’s ui). this way you will be able to see all the changes in segmentation in realtime. best way to get the most uniform subdivision possible, without altering the existing shape and vertices. calculated automatically (using the length of the shortest segment in spline) or set a custom value. if you are working with multiple splines and you want to have a uniform subdivision across all splines, then choose the this tool divides every segment of the splines in 2 halves, doubling the general segmentation. if active, the tools will subdivide only the curved parts and leave straight lines intact. very powerful feature! optimize straight lines (bu*ton) removes all unnecessary vertices from straight lines. it’s a make linear segments (bu*ton) convert all segments in selected shapes to linear and vertices to basic shape parameters: spline interpolation in this section you can control the basic shape interpolation for all the selected shapes. they are the same parameters you can find in any shape, but here you change them for all the selected shapes show vertex ticks (checkbox) this option expose all the vertices of the selected shapes on screen. very useful to see the changes in the segmentation while you apply the subdivision functions. this is a custom undo system, since 3dsmax does not natively support undo for spline operations. this is a simple yet powerful plugin to speed-up your workflow and make your life easier.

Splinedynamics Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Spline Dynamics | 3ds Max Scripts by Hernan Could be improved
Description: Free 3ds Max scripts, plugins and professional tools for 3D Art, CG Animation, Design, Motion Graphics, VFX, Game Art, 3D Modelling and
H1: Spline DynamicsIs it informative enough?
H2: Introducing Spline Refiner 3dsMax scriptIs it informative enough?

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Internal Pages


User Management | Spline Dynamics


You can NOT delete this page! This page belongs to the th23 User Management plugin and is required by it to work properly! Do NOT worry…your visitors on the…




About SplineDynamics.com | Spline Dynamics


SplineDynamics.com is the home of a family of scripts & plugins for Autodesk 3ds Max developed by Hernán A. Rodenstein, Argentinian CG artist and animator.


Commercial scripts


TurboSplines 3dsMax plugin script | Spline Dynamics


TurboSplines is a 3dsMax plugin for creating multiple spline wrapping animations (aka. path deform animations) incredibly fast. Make your splines grow!






Spline Cleaner 3dsmax plugin script | Spline Dynamics


Spline Cleaner 3dsmax plugin. Batch processing tool for cleaning and managing spline curves. Optimize, normalize, reduce number of vertices, remove knots.


Spline Cleaner




SuperHelix 3ds Max helix plugin | Spline Dynamics


SuperHelix is a professional 3ds Max plugin to create complex helix splines for 3D modeling, Animation and VFX. Ideal for Motion Graphics and CG Animation.





All the information about splinedynamics.com was collected from publicly available sources

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