Terrencemdesign.com Website Review

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Summarized Content

Each video is unique to the specific project. Many scenes are personally filmed by me (Terrence) using my own equipment. Some scenes are pieced together through multiple sources to reach the goal intended for the project at the time. TRACE DEVICE & APPLICATION Trace is a device and application to help users battle addiction through the use of molecular biosensors reacting in a lock & key method of detecting and an*lyzing illicit drugs in the body system. INS'TENT INDUSTRIES - AIRDOME PROMO - CELCIUS Ins'Tent Industries - AirDome Promo - Celcius CHEST'AIR MARKETING PROMO This promotional video of the Chest’Air by Ins’Tent Industries is Everdure by Heston Blumenthal reached out and asked me to edit down a 5 minute video for a quick teaser promo of their new line of During the rebrand of the GPUS, I wanted to convey the four pillars uniquely through the use of the logo. The logo conveys a fresh and energetic style while engaging current and incoming issues. Two lines representing the majority two party system along with varing weight represent ecology, social justice, gras*roots democracy and nonviolence which is de*p rooted into the belief of the GPUS. Addiction has been around for eternity. Addiction kills people, relationships, friendships, and creates enemies. To understand additction we need to understand the habits of users under the influence. Nori provides data regarding time, contents of drug use and heart rate monitoring, as well as location. Creating a network of support in hopes to help one and another. The challenge was to redesign the Supra flagship store. The solution is to create a exhibit style floorplan, given space to collaborate and socialize through a leave your mark campaign. The campaign encourages all ages to rock their own fashion and make a statement your way. regional location of the Anaheim Ducks in Southern California. The extreme force and impact of the ocean intergrates into the This web page is designed for Montana Spray Cans. Developed through the use of CSS, HTML, Ja*ascript and jQuery. The webpage creates a

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Videos — Terrence Martin Design


Each video is unique to the specific project. Many scenes are personally filmed by me (Terrence) using my own equipment. Some scenes are pieced together through multiple sources to reach the goal intended for the project at the time. All videos are edited and produced by Terrence.


GREEN PARTY — Terrence Martin Design


During the rebrand of the GPUS, I wanted to convey the four pillars uniquely through the use of the logo. The logo conveys a fresh and energetic style while engaging current and incoming issues. Two lines representing the majority two party system along with varing weight represent ecology, social justice, gr roots democracy and nonviolence which is rooted into the belief of the GPUS. Client: Self-initiated Programs: Photoshop, Illustrator, Cinema4D



NoriUI/UX — Terrence Martin Design


Addiction has been around for eternity. Addiction kills people, relationships, friendships, and creates enemies. To understand additction we need to understand the habits of users under the influence. Nori provides data regarding time, contents of drug use and heart rate monitoring, as well as location. Creating a network of support in hopes to help one and another. Client: Self-initiated Programs: Sketch, Ilustrator, Photoshop


Supra FlagshipVisual Merchandising — Terrence Martin Design


The challenge was to redesign the Supra flagship store. The solution is to create a exhibit style floorplan, given space to collaborate and socialize through a leave your mark campaign. The campaign encourages all ages to rock their own fashion and make a statement your way. Client: Self-Initiated Program: SketchUp, Illustrator


Anaheim DucksCampaign — Terrence Martin Design


#PaintItOrange playoff campaign was pitched to the NHL Anaheim Ducks as a full package campaign. The Cove campaign is inspired by the regional location of the Anaheim Ducks in Southern California. The extreme force and impact of the ocean intergrates into the agressiveness, determination and power of the players. Client: NHL Anaheim Ducks Programs: Photoshop, Illustrator

All the information about terrencemdesign.com was collected from publicly available sources

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